Sunday, May 23, 2010

I have a child w/a fractured alna, is there anything else I can do to help along the healing process?

She fell off the zipline and fractured her alna and dislocated her elbow. The doctors are saying the gap between the two fragments of bone is still pretty wide. There is a pin inside the elbow joint all the way up to her wrist.It has been 4 weeks as it is now.She is young, I was wondering if there is anything I can give her to help aid along her healing? Thank you to whomever can give me some advice on this issue :)
Depending on how young she is, I might stay away from the medications, unless she seems really uncomfortable. The argument with ice/heat is typically, ice for the first 48 hours of an injury/surgery, then heat after that. Calcium! Make sure she is drinking enough milk and getting her daily dose of calcium and vitamin D. These minerals/vitamins allow for bone growth. This is why they say for kids to drink milk. It promotes bone growth and strong bones; the same goes for healing bones.In addition, just make sure she is eating a healthy diet for quick recovery.
Not really. Fractures take awhile to heal, it's a slow process. The average healing time for this type of break is 6-8 weeks. The only thing I can think of that might help a little would be some heat and massage. Massaging the area would increase circulation and that might help a little or at least make her feel better. Other than that, just wait it out! Good luck.
Ice it as often as you can. Keep it elevated. And always try to have a pillow under it. Ibruprofin is ok. Im not sure exactly how old she is but it might be ok. And ICE CREAM. If she likes it. most kids do and it is always a good healer. Good luck. I hope she feels better soon.
To start with Nsaids ( anti-inflammitory drugs) slow down bone healing %26 delay the process.
Make sure she gets lots of calcium, other than that, there's not really much you can do.
She will probably heal really fast because of her age

I have a caste and...?

I just had surgery on my wrist and now i am in a caste and i was wondering if there is anything i can do to keep it from stinking? I know it is kinda gross but i know it happenes but i want to try and prevent it! Thanks
1] use a blow dryer to blow cool air into it.
2] Don't use baby powder or corn starch unless doctor OKs it.
3] wash fingers outside the cast with wet wipes or baby wipes [ baby ones smell better ].
4] when you are steady on your feet, put your arm, cast and all, in a plastic bag and 'seal' it with silk [ non-allergenic ] tape.
Take your one-handed shower, and take bag off immediately.
5] when you apply antiperspirant/deodorant, rub a little around the edges of the cast.
6] if you get any ragged edges on the cast, trim off carefully with a small sharp scissor.
Use baby powder. Try to keep from sweating.

I have a burning sensation in my foot on the top area?

A soft, cherry size lump has developed on top of foot.
Go to a doctor. If it's swelling and painful you need to have a doctor look at it. It could be anything. A doctor will know.
You may have an insect bite or a cyst or boil. Is it red, blistered, above the skin or below? Lots of unknown factors that figure into the answer.

I have a burn on the top of my foot and I have to put socks and shoes on it to go to work.?

Now my foot is red and swollen, does this mean it is infected? What should I do?
cold water is the best first aid when you burn yourself - 20 minutes under the tap is ideal. NEVER ice or vinegar or milk or butter or green tea or mustard or toothpaste or sunscreen or semen or vaseline or tomatoes or vanilla extract or yogurt or sour cream or egg white or lavender oil or cocoa butter or salt or tea bags or potato or shaving cream or olive oil or baking soda or banana peel or petroleum jelly or whipped cream or avocado or bacon grease or corn starch or tumeric or lemon juice or curd- not until the skin is fully healed!alcohol might help with the pain but it is a serious risk as it will dehydrate you - so don't drink any. ibuprofen or aspirin will help but larger burns are often accompanied by stomach ulcers, so tylenol/panadol is best for pain if you are gonna tough it out. drink plenty of water or energy drinks that don't have caffeine (gatorade) i would advise that you cover the burnt area with white soft paraffin (white petroleum) or aqueous cream bp. (check the links below and see if you can find a local equivalent). wash the burn and reapply every 4-6 hours - cover with cling wrap if you wish to cover with clothes - this will stop your clothes getting covered with paraffin and maintains the burn.cling wrap alone is ok if you can't get hold of any paraffin. it also acts as a protective artificial skin - helping retain moisture and protect from further damage and pain. cling wrap is cheap and clean off the roll. in Australia ambulances often use this when someone has been burnt. - please note that cling wrap isn't always practical, like on your face.the paraffin imitates the natural oils, creating a seal stopping water leaving the body and reduces pain by protecting sensitised nerves. both of these factors improve healing - good stuff stays in, bad stays out - that is one job of healthy skin. aloe is good coz it remoisturises but that moisture can be quickly lost as the skin can't contain fluids. so put aloe on, and then the paraffin on over the top. if there is broken skin leave out the aloe - just paraffin. if you still have questions - send photos feedingthedogcustard@hotmail.c...finally if you are really worried go to a hospital that has a burns unit or plastic surgeons. serious sunburn i.e. blisters (and all other burns) should be seen by a burns trained doctor or nurse.
put some savlon or something on it and go to the doctors.
try some aloe vera and then wrap your foot with gauze
If it was never blistered (3rd degree) then it is most likely just irritated. Put on cream, and don't wear shoe or sock to work. If it was blistered, or is now, then see a doc
Yes, it could definitely be infected. This happened to me once and it was really bad. I went to the hospital and after they ruled out infection, they put this burn cream on. For the first day or so, my foot HAD to breathe, so I wasn't able to go to work. Over the next few weeks, I had to cover it with gauze and wear loose shoes. It was the middle of winter, so I wore a sock and a sandal. My boss was okay with it because I explained what the problem was. Get this checked out immediately so it doesn't get worse.
It's natural for burns to swell.Take a NSAID like Acetaminophen to keep the pain and swelling down. If you have the time, you may want to apply an ice pack.Since you have to go to work, you'll want to cover and protect the burn. This is prevent further irritation of the burn and swelling, an addition to warding off infection. Apply some aloe vera to a sterile piece of gauze and secure to your foot with either rolled gauze or tape.From what you're describing, your burn sounds like it may be a simple first degree. However, more serious burns may require a doctor's care.
I guess my first question to you would be is it a sunburn or a contact burn (ie hot water, fire, chemicals, etc). Either way make sure you clean the area with soap and water as best as you can. If it is confined to an area like the top of your foot, then try putting some burn ointment on it(this can be found at just about any drug store) and let it breathe as often as possible. I burned my foot last year with hot water and had to keep it covered with a large gauze pad and burn ointment so that I could wear nylons at work and then I removed all of it when I came home. It took a long time for it to heal but it eventually did leaving a nice scar. Good luck to you!

I have a bump that is right below my inner ankle and right above the arch of my left foot.It feels uncomfortab

when I arch my foot from side to side the bump becomes more prominant. What are some causes? I just noticed it yesterday when i got home from the gym.
If you just noticed it after the gym i would guess it is a swollen muscle, tendon or ligament. It you landed funny or just from being active you may have stretched your foot and hyperextended something. your can try icing and heat in alternating patterns for a few days, without being a doctor i would recomend seeing one if you want.
It might be or could cause cancer.. so I reccomend having it checked. but I hope its not :) still it may just be swollen. So to be on the safeside call your doctor and make an appointment to have that looked at

I have a bruise on my side, and it hurts really bad. Any way to help it stop hurting and get better quickly?

My brother opened the tailgate of our truck just as I was walking by. I've got a bruise on my side right above my hipbone about an inch in diameter. I've had it about 4 days now and it looks exactly the way it did 4 days ago. Is there any way to help it stop hurting, and go away. It's right in a place where anytime I brush up against something it'll hurt really bad for about 30 minutes. It's driving me crazy. So any help will be greatly appreciated.
If the bruise is the same color you may have a more serious injury. You may have broken or at least cracked a hip bone. You really should at least get a x-ray, especially if the bruise is not getting better. Try icing it every 15 minutes. for about 4 hours for the next couple of days. If it doesn't improve get a x-ray as soon as possible.

I have a bone pain in my leg for quite some time now and im only 15 years old what should i do get passed this

its my shin that hurts and i am an active person i usually play football for 40 minutes and run like 2 miles+ every weekend
Sounds like you just have shin splints, it's a very common condition. It's when the muscles and tendons around your shins and lower leg become stressed while active. I get them myself, I usually run about 3 miles everyother day. There isn't much you can do other than stretch and work through the pain, eventually they'll go away or you'll get used to the pain.However if it gets to the point where the pain continues after you're finished working out, running, etc. And it becomes painful to walk, it could be a sign of a stress fracture, in which case you should go to a doctor imediately.
You need to go to your Dr. and tell him your symptoms, could be something serious or a fracture! Go as soon possible!! Quit your activities until you get checked out.

I have a bite on my hand that looks like a mosquito itches and is purple is that still a mosquito bite

I have a bite on my hand that looks like a mosquito itched and is purple is that still a mosquito bite?
it could be a spider bite

I have a bit of a problem.?

Well it all started when i was about 6.
I was dropped on my head. (hard)
But now im thinking about my future. If that bump on the nogan did some brain damage it could affect my future.
How do i undo brain damage done on my brain.
Brain damage is normally permanent. However if you are able to use a computer and ask this question then you should be able to succeed in life. Go forth, get an education, and enjoy life!
You should stop thinking too much, I think you are totally okay, you being able to ask this question here. If you still want to believe that there is something wrong with you take some test like MRI or CT scan. Its not the bump in your head that will affect your future but your attitude of thinking negative things.

I have A Bent Toenail?

We were cleaning the house the other day, and I fell forward on my big toe. It bent my left foot's big toenail backwards right down the middle. It's not turning black, but it's got a hangnail from the front right side, to the middle. It's very sensitive. What is happening, and what do I do?
Go to a podiatrist. He/she will probably cut it in such a way that it will grow back properly and not become ingrown or infected. Do not leave it untreated and wait until it gets worse!
leave it alone and wait for it to heal by putting a cloth or a bandage over it .

I have a 50% tear of the rotator cuff. has anyone else had this , had how long was the recovery.?

the tear is more like a streched out rubber band, and not actually torn completly. its 6 months later, and i am still having pain, and clicking/pops in all movements of the arm, during light Physical therapy. they are talking about sugery now , to shorten the rotator cuff tendon, or to poke around and see if there is underlying issues since i had such a dramatic injury to the arm/shoulder , and all surrounding muscles, and tissues. any one have a rotator cuff sugery , how long does it take to heal , what can i expect after surgery, and so on..
It is very "ify" if this will be taken care of without surgery. However, even small tears take a long time to heal (if they heal at all) and it could take a year before you see your maximum benefits of conservative care.However, repairing a partial tear has much better outcomes than healing a large/massive tear. You can start physical therapy sooner and will regain function in almost half the time. PT for repair of a partial tear is more like 2-3 months as opposed to 3-6 months for a large tear. But yet again, full recovery will take at least a year. If your tear isn't getting any worse, I would discuss with the surgeon whether waiting another 6 months will see any improvements. If it's just getting worse, better to repair it in a partial tear state than a massive tear state.
OOOOOOOh, I am sorry to hear this. I know it is painful. Have you tried Chiropractic? I thought they were all quacks but mine saved me from having surgery when I tore mine.
yea - my ortho sent me for physio therapy and work out at the gym, took about a year to recover, but I still get a little pain now and then.

I have a 5 inch outie do you think i should get it pierced.?

I can fit like 6 rings on it so i just need a yes or no mabye some explamation thanks
Sadly, my first thought was 'wow, I hope she's got a girlfriend.'I apologize.You could pierce it, and quite easily, though I suggest being careful about it... that could be REALLY painful if you got it caught. if you wear belly shirts all the time, it's not really an issue, though.
Hell yeah! Pierce that thing!
Five inches??
You mutant. . . .
No I think you should get your hernia surgery instead.
um, no. I believe they can get infected easily.
And it would get caught on things - like when you get dressed - ow!
A 5" outie? WOW you should go into show business! Personally, I would have it removed.
yeah 6 rings would look awesome
No, but I would think about having it surgically cut off and reshaped. Seriously, not being mean at all! It could be a hazard to get it pierced if something gets hung on it and rips it.

I have a 4 day old bruise on my eye...?

It's pretty bad. I got it because someone sucker punched me. No swelling remains. Just a nice purple bruise under my eye, and on the outskirts of the purple area there are some light green areas.I am trying to get this thing cleared up by tommorrow night. What can I do?
you wont get it cleared up by then. like the first person said put a steak on it. you can use a package of frozen veggies too. only other thing you can do is try and cover it with makeup but it might look noticeable, and get you punched again.
put a steak on it
Im not really sure. Ice usally doesnt work after its been there a while. Ask a docter...Sorry, this didnt really help. :(

I have a 3 years old baby, and we have just moved from central america to he couldnt sleep..?

what should i do with the horary exchange to make him sleep?
Your baby has jet lag. As he is only a toddler, it will be almost impossible for you to instill the discipline in him needed to stay awake for specified periods of time that you would do to an adult with jet lag.
He will adjust to a normal local sleep pattern after a week or so. However, you can try melatonin supplements and make sure that whatever room he is sleeping in is completely dark to reset his circadian rhythm.
play with him take long walks
The best bet is to move back to central america.

I have a 20 degrees idiopathic scoliosis. is it ok for me to wear a posture corrective brace?

If wearing a brace makes you happy, go for it. With only 20 degree curvature, you might do better simply growing out of it.
Do you REALLY think you're going to do that based on an answer you get HERE?
20 degrees angulation in your spine still falls under mild scoliosis. Stretching of the tight muscles and strengthening of the weak muscles of your back is still effective in your case. This will retard the progression of the curvature. Breathing exercises such as deep diaphragmatic breathing exercise is also needed since your rib cage is connected to your spine there are tendencies that will affect the position of your lungs. Since your scoliosis is idiopathic, as you grew up the curvature will still increase especially if you are in the adolescent stage. Regular check up is needed.

I have a 16yr old son that just started having seizures?

he gets real bad headaches just before a seizure, hes been to 3 drs they say it is just migrines, but they put him on meds and he is still having them at least 3 times a week
how long to they last? a seizure is something that normally lasts minutes 2 to 3 minutes or more. i faint so a fainting spell is diff that only lasts like 13 to 25 seconds it looks the same tho
i know this because i had an EKG done thats with all the wires glued to the head they induced me to faint by showing me freeky things... good luckAdded*** EEG thats what it is its been such a long time i would set up a video recorder and have him lay down with a cool wash cloth on his head in a dark room if he is feeling a little hot if you can get it on video you can show the DR
sounds epileptic
They need to run all kinds of tests on him. They need to find out what is going on. Severe migranes will not cause seizures. They can cause all kinds of other odd things but not seizuring. He may have epilesy. Epilepsy can cause major headaches.
Go to a neurologist and demand that he be tested. Tell him that you have seen the seizures and that the headaches are his "Aura" (what he gets right before a seizure hits, people have lots of different types of auras). You have to make them listen to you, and don't take No for an answer. My seizures went undiagnosed for a decade, and they just got worse the longer that they were uncontrolled, You don't want that for your son. I ended up having 2 tonic-clonic seizures in one night, turning blue and being unconscious for 30 minutes before I actually got diagnosed. Sometimes you have to fight for your child, and this is one of those times. You can do it!

I have a 0.3 cm slit in my index finger that is about an inch long.Do you think I'd need stiches?

If you can get the bleeding to stop, you might not need stitches. There are products that you can make to seal the wound by Johnson and Johsnon available at drug stores. If you could not get the bleeding to stop within 10 minutes, I would get stitches. Also another important question is when you had you last tetnus shot. It needs to be within 5 years or you will need another shot as well.

I have a "knot" on my head, and i was wondering, is there a way to get rid of it besides waiting it out?

i got the "knot" from hitting my head(very hard) into the side of a in-ground olympic-sized swimming pool
i only thought of one thing. hot compress-hope it would help

I have a pain constantly behind my right eyebrow what could that be?

Does it REALLY hurt when you press it? If so it's sinusitis. I get it all the time and it hurts over my eyebrow...Loads of info on the link
Might be a migraine, might be a cluster headache, might be allergies or sinus issues.Get it checked out. Pains in your head ain't nothin' to f*ck with. There might be something you can do for it, and even if there isn't, at least you'll know what you're dealing with.If you don't have health care coverage, check for clinics that can give you free care or care at a reduced rate.
Depending on where behind your right eyebrow, it could be a big zit, the kind that takes a month to reach the surface. It could be a benign cyst. It could be a sinus headache caused by infection.Brain tumors don't hurt, FWIW.
sinus, it can be easily relieved with sinus medicine.
does it hurt when you touch it? like as if you are trying to pull an eyebrow hair out? if so it could be a zit trying to come out and it hurts cause its in the hair, happens to me sometimes.
It could be sinuses. If sinus medication doesn't help and your right nostril is always blocked, you could have a deviated septum. If you have very severe pain in the right eyebrow area, it could be cluster headaches.

I have 6 herniated discs in my lower back, and might have to have surgery, should I do it? or live with pain?

7 years ago, I let a friend rub my back because I had a back ache, the next day I could hardly walk from the pain I was in. It turns out she had herniated 1 discs in my lower back. I have had pain that has become chronic pain now for 7 years. I take alot of pain meds everyday because I have sooooo much pain, I can hardly move in the morning when I wake up. I just had another MRI done (7 years later, after the first) and found out that I now have 6 herniated discs. I suffer everyday and cant imagine living the rest of my life with this pain and the pain pills, so I have taken steps to learn to manage my pain better with classes in pain management. But that is not a cure all, and I wanted some feed back on back surgery. Thanks
Hi Melissa,Sorry to learn about your pain.I am a senior citizen with multiple diseased discs and facets
and with a pinched nerve which destroyed the muscles in my left leg.It took 2 years to build it back up.My Neuorosurgeon says there is nothing he can do in the way of an operation.However he recommended a pain killer called Gabapentin(300mg),which I have used for over 3 years with great pain relief.However,I also still use a Therapist and Chiropractor on occassions if the disability gets worse.Like you the morning,when I arise ,is my worst time but as I move around it seems to lessen.At times I do not look forward to going to bed,but rest is also important.Suggested Web site to visit:http://www.medem.comSearch Articles in their Medical LibraryI don`t know if you have a weight problem,especially the waist,as that puts an extra strain on your backHope this helps!
You need to go have the surgery to at least fix those discs. It may not totally take away the pain but if that is the case then see a pain management doc once you are healed from the surgery. Without the surgery I think you would end up in a wheel chair fairly soon do to the amount of damage you have.
Well I also have back pain b/c of herniated discs in my lower back and know exactly what you are going through. I have had them for over 5 yrs. I have the option of surgery but would never do it only b/c my doctor told me there is a chance of being paralyzed for life. I am very scared of that. You know a lot of these doctors dont know what they are doing so it scares me. If you can trust your doc. then I say go for it only b/c I know the pain that you have. But if you are scared it is better to live with the pain in my book.
If you do opt for surgery, ask your doctor if disc replacement is a viable option. The heal time and pain is less than if the discs are fused. Also, mobility is better afterwards. A friend of mine had the replacement done a couple of years ago. He still has some pain, but not nearly as bad as before the surgery. Good luck.

I have 3 lumps under my right armpit and they hurt when i touch them. What do you think they are?

i have had them for 6 days and they seem to be growing
One of the more common symptoms associated with HIV is lymphadenopathy, a swelling of the lymph nodes of the arm pits (axilla), groins, neck, chest, and abdomen. While most times this swelling is often just a result of HIV, there are serious conditions that are associated with enlarged lymph nodes. Let鈥檚 get the facts about lymphadenopathy. Lymph nodes are small, bean-sized organs of the immune system, distributed widely throughout the body. Lymph fluid, the fluid that collects foreign substances throughout the body, is filtered through the lymph nodes where the immune system can rid those foreign substances from the body.As lymphatic fluid passes through the lymph nodes, immune system cells and fluid remain, causing the lymph nodes to swell, often times to many times their size.About Hiv
Find out What are the Most Common Symptoms for STDs.
There are several reasons that cause this swelling.
A Local Infection
Often times, the site of lymph node swelling can pinpoint the location of the infection that is causing it. For instance, a throat infection may cause lymph node swelling in the neck. Other infections, such as viral illnesses can cause generalized swelling of lymph nodes all over the body, such as the case in HIV infections.Opportunistic Infection Fact SheetsA Lymph Node Infection
Sometimes the lymph nodes can themselves become inflamed and infected. This type of infection is called lymphadenitis and can cause a painful swelling of the lymph nodes.Lymphoma
Cancer can invade the lymphatic system and immune system and cause a condition known as lymphoma which can cause a non-tender swelling of the lymph nodes. There are two types of lymphoma, Hodgkin鈥檚 and Non-Hodgkin鈥檚.A Lymphoma OverviewWhat are the Symptoms of Lymphadenopathy?
Obviously swollen lymph nodes is one symptoms of lymphadenopathy. There are other symptoms as well.
swollen, enlarged lumps in the neck, back of the head, or other locations of lymph nodestenderness of the nodes, although the nodes may not be painful at allwarmth or redness of the skin over the lymph nodesfeverhistory of infection or illnessSymptoms of an HIV InfectionIs There a Treatment for Lymphadenopathy?
Once swollen lymph nodes are identified, is there a treatment for the condition? First, the cause of the swelling has to be identified. Is there a viral illness? Is there an infection of the lymph nodes themselves? Does the patient have lymphoma? Once the cause is determined, treatment of the cause will usually result in a resolution of the lymphadenopathy. These can include:
antibiotics to treat any bacterial infectionsantivirals to treat any viral illness present such as HIVa lymph node biopsy made be needed to identify cancer. If cancer is diagnosed, chemotherapy will be used to treat the cancer and reduce the lymph node swelling.depending on the cause, sometimes the lymphadenopathy is monitored without treatment and eventually resolves on it鈥檚 own. If you have found what you think may be swollen lymph nodes under your arms or groins or in your chest, abdomen, or neck, notify your doctor immediately so the cause can be determined and treated.
sounds to me like ingrown hairs! have you shown your family ?
with all do respect, maybe you should see a doctor and not be asking yahoo.. %26gt;.%26gt;;;
Toumers or Cancer you definatly need to go to the doctor.
Go have it checked.
you need to go to your doc like now! don't wait.
They could be swollen lymph nodes, which need to be checked out by a doctor as soon as possible. It could be just some kind of infection showing up in your lymph nodes, and you may need an antibiotic.
What size are they? Small could be ingrown hairs. If they are under the skin and not red/visible it could be an infected lymph gland, which can be cleared up with an antibiotic. Check with your doctor.
swollen glands,see doc
Sound to me like cysts, or maybe an infected sweat gland. You should have a doctor look at it, you may need antibiotics. Or, it could just be a pimple thats really deep. Have it checked.
There are lots of lymph nodes in the armpit area, so most lumps that you feel in that area are swollen lymph nodes. It could mean many different things, so go see your doctor. He or she will have a better idea as to what's going on after doing an exam. Hope this helps, and I hope you feel better soon!
could be tumors or cancer, go to the doctor!
Oh my gosh, I HAD THAT TOO. The lump went away though.
It may be lymph nodes...breast cancer possibility.
But sometimes it could just be like an infection from shaving or putting deodorant. If it doesn't go away in a week, go to the doctor and have it checked.
They are called buboes and are a result of the bubonic plague and it does still exist. That would probably be the least worrying thing it could be. You need to see a doctor because it could be potentially dangerous and it's also EXTREMELY CONTAGIOUS. You must go now. Good Luck. If you have been around a zoo, or other primates lately then that is probably what that is.
it could be in grown hairs but you really should speak with a professional..if you look at these answers it could just make you paranoid.

I hate when that happens?

dont you hate it when your eating somthing so good but then your on your last bite and its all gone
Oh, yeah. Or if you're drinking something really tasty and on that last swallow it's all gone. I feel cheated. lol
yep sure do
Yes. that happens when I eat cheesecake.
yep like my frie rice
NO..get a life..
It's like when you are eating cookies out of the bag, and you eat the last cookie without realizing it was the last. You reach for the next one, and there are no more, and suddenly you realize that, because you weren't paying attention, that you missed out on getting that "last cookie enjoyment."
I know where you R coming from. Some thing good to eat is like a good movie, it is over before U know it. But have you ever noticed some thing bad, u really don't like last forever and You can not get rid of it fast enough, like a bad movie that never ends.

I Had Whiplash A Year Ago Still Got It. Advice Please?

As I have mentioned I have still got whiplash from just over a year ago.But over the last few weeks I am getting problems with moving and the tightness of one of my shoulders.Could this be a another developing injury from the whiplash?Also the solicitor who is dealing with my case seems to be pushy/chastising my answers to her questions. I feel like she is cross examining me. Stick to my guns or what?Answers appreciated.
unfortunately Whiplash can be an injury that affects you for the rest of your life.for short term help I'd say see an osteopath, that's who I've tended to go to before and they have helped in the short term.
you should ask about physio now for your shoulder tho.My mum has been involved in 2 rear collisions, first time she was driver second time passenger, she developed a stiff shoulder that ended up being a "frozen shoulder", so far she's had numerous steroid injections and 5 operations between the 2 shoulders. we all believe that with the right physio%26#92;rehab my mum would not have had the problems to the degree she did.I was involved in my mum's first crash as a passenger, i think I must have been like 15-16 at the time, and I still get problems with my neck now!
Visit your GP to confirm that the symptoms could be acreddited to your wiplash injury. Then sort your legal advice out and sue the person responsible.
go see a chiroparctor get your back fixed and get over it stop worrying so much about your solicitor it seems you are more worried about your claim rather than your health

I had the interior of my medial meniscus removed do to severe knee pain a few years back.?

I had the interior of my medial meniscus removed do to severe knee pain a few years back. I did not start running again after the surgery. Has anyone had good luck training and distance running after having this type of surgery? I believe I have about 70% of my meniscus remaining.And if so - any tips!
I would recommend swimming or biking. I think it is only down hill from your 70% if you do distance running. At Syracuse University I knew a football player that tore it once and then rehabbed the heal but as soon as he went back to playing again it ripped again pretty quickly. This may have been a freak occurance in a different type of running, but I know he can't run anymore on it because it's all gone now. Just be careful I guess...I don't do distance.
I would find another cardio exercise to do that is LOW IMPACT. You no longer have all the cushion or thickness to the meniscus wall that you once had. Plus you had pain that caused you to have to have that surgery. Buy a clue and don't put your knee through more shock unless you are just dying to get arthritis and to have it replaced later on. You risk blowing out your meniscus and tearing ligaments. Best of luck.

I had surgery two days ago on my wrist. whats the best for swelling and brusing. pain is under control.?

There's nothing you can do about the bruising. That goes along with surgery. You can help the swelling, however, by applying an ice pack for 10 minutes, then off 10 minutes, then on and so on for an hour at a time. Then take a break and repeat the above three or four times a day. That should help quite a bit. At the end you stated, "pain is under control?" Did you mean to put the question mark there? If your pain is not under control, call your Doctor and tell him you either need some pain medication (if he told you to take something over the counter) or that the medicine he gave you is not working well (he might give you something stronger then). If you don't want to go that route, try advil. It would work the best on your pain. Good luck to ya.
ice ot for 20 minutes on the hours
cool pack
ibuprofen for swelling busing will fade soon enough
your doc should have given you walk out orders.try icing it for 10 minutes at a time. no aspirin as it causing more bruising. call your doc for more info.
If you had surgery on your wrist, two days ago...why exactly are you on the computer typing? Typing does affect your wrist, ya know. Common sense says.. Staying off the computer until it's healed will definitely help your wrist.
You could just ask your doctor. They usually know what they're talking about...
don't type
Ice, and elevation.. TRY keeping it above your heart! But Ice is the most important...every hour, for at least 20 minutes.
Ice packs for the swelling the bruises will just have to fade naturally.
ice, rest and elevation
And they didn't tell you anything about it after the surgery?
Do you trust "experts" here more than the doctor, who performed the surgery or did you have the surgery done here on line?

I had surgery on my shoulder im 16, is that smart?

do you think 16 year old volleyball players should be getting surgery at such a young age?
Surgery at ANY age is a case-by-case situation. I can't say if the surgery was warranted because I don't have the specifics, but more than likely, it was necessary. It is always a good idea in any case of surgery to at least get a second opinion from another board-certified surgeon. I know enough surgeons to know that they don't cut unless it's necessary. Even the most simple surgery can have lethal's a risk that they aren't willing to take.My best bet is saying that this surgery was necessary, and you'll be better off for having had it.
If she needs it, as deemed by a doctor, then yes.
if it that bad maybe you can do but normaly we dont let them
yeah better to get any joint malfunctions fixed while your yong
or it could cause arthritus as you get older .iknow iv'e been there and wore the t-shirt .whoops just given my age away .
a well.good luck with the op and a speedy recovery.byeee
Yes,my nephew who is a ruby league player
had surgery on his shoulder and i now back in training and feels miles better
So what would the alternative be? If something requires surgery, age has nothing to do with it.
it not a matter of "smart" sweetie
it's a matter of medically nessacary.
if it was medically needed, and helped you, then yes, it was very very smart.:)

I had rotator cuff surgery in April, and I'm still having pain and have poor ROM. How can i get my rom?

I was hit by a car last summer and my should was the last thing to be fixed. It wasnt a emergency per Drs. But now im still haveing problems. Im still in Physical therapy. Im back to work now and i need my shoulder working fully. Im a nurce and i work in ICU mostly with Brain injurys and Spinal cord injurys. so im always liftin pulling hoding up patients. I cant go to a new area as a nurce and i dont want to. I just want to get back what i had befor the accident. And i know Im very lucky to be bitching about this it could have been a lot worse. But that dosent help with my shoulder.
Full rehabilitation from rotator cuff surgery usually takes a year...well beyond the time in physical therapy (which can be 3-6 months depending on the size of the tear). My question would be: Is your lack of range of motion due to tissue restriction, or lack of strength (in otherwords, if someone took your arm, could you reach full ROM)? If it is the former, if you are still struggling to get past the 100 degree mark for flexion (especially if you had a delayed rehab protocol), I would suggest you discuss with your surgeon whether a manipulation may be in order. If you are getting more than this, you still have some time to play with this. If it is due to strength, it is still expected at this stage. I would guess you are on light duty...and I would continue with the rehab and following the instructions from the surgeon.
Gentle stretching on a regular basis, and light training in weights. I would most definately find a trainer who is use to working with other patients in this same situation. You may need a few cortisone shots if pain is a problem. You have to understand your muscles in that shoulder need to be retraind before you start trying to use them in ways you did before with your job. You could end up messing your shoulder up again if you are not careful .
My surgeon actually gave me a prescription for swimming. I started out with swimming after working one month only on improving the range of movement, then went swimming in physical therapy 3 times a week for 3 months, and after that did I go swimming 5 times a week. In addition to that did I start taking a supplement called glyconutrients. The combination of the swimming and glyconutrients worked so well that the pain was gone within 8 weeks and the full range of movement was back within six months--to my doctor's amazent.Good luck
time and lots of it .. my son broke his elbow and he still cant move it the specialist said time ... and keep using it
Your best bet is to stay with a physical therapist.They'll keep you on a program of stretching and other activities tailored to your needs and condition.

I had my tonsils removed on Thursday and am now having pain in my ears is that normal?

I had my tonsils removed on Thursday, I still can barely swallow and have recently started having pain in my ears and teeth, is this normal?
The innervation or "nerve supply" to the ears is complex but involves several of the cranial nerves, in particular Cranial Nerves 7, 8, 9, 10 %26 12. As these nerves also supply the face, nose, nasopharynx, oropharynx, and hypopharynx any process causing irritation to these areas may result in perceived ear pain. Additionally, the sensory nerves supplying the maxilla and mandible, where the teeth live, derive from these nerves. What you are likely experiencing is referred pain. To understand this concept realize that the brain's mapping of somatic vs visceral end organs is not only different neuroanatomically but very different in the way the brain interprets the afferent or sensory information. The sensory cortex of the brain is precisely mapped out with regard to somatic or non-organ structures. This is termed a homunculus which can be seen in any anatomy book of the human body. The viscera, or organs such as tonsils, liver, heart, etc. are innervated with sensory nerves but are not at all mapped with the precision of say the fingers. If a point on a finger, toe, leg, scalp, face etc. is touched with a needle the brain knows precisely (with millimeter discrimination) where that point is. Not true of viscera. If one were to be conscious and simultaneously have the thorax or abdomen opened surgically, touching or even injuring the lungs, heart, stomach, liver etc. would produce a perceived stimulus but the brain would not be able to accurately localize where this is originating. This is why it is difficult to determine where pain, for example, is originating in the abdomen as opposed to pain originating in a joint. The length of recovery from a tonsillectomy varies from person to person. Therefore, the length of time to have all the associated swelling of tissue and surgically induced inflammation recede varies as well. It is not uncommon to have ear pain following a tonsillectomy. What is important is that you stay in contact with your surgeon, follow his/her post-operative care instructions and communicate any concerns you have in a timely manner. DrEarp
yes it is ,so keep taking antibiotics and if you don't have some ,get them =good luck
That seems to be because of tonsils removed recently,
because ear, nose and throat are somehow connected,
but I think if the pain persists, you should see the doctor.
Best wishes.
Open your mouth and yawn. See if this gentle way to make your ears pop works. Since your tonsils are gone and the Eustachian tube is connected to your throat, ears, neck and nose the atmospheric pressure changed when the tonsils were removed.The pain in your teeth most likely is sympathy pain. There is a spray in drug stores that will numb your throat so you can swallow but I don't remember the name of it...sorry.

I had knee reconstruction surgery and after 9 month I still can't squat or run?

I thought I had tendinitis but it turns out it is the scar tissue right under the knee cap not the patellar tendon, and there is a bone kind of coming out above my shin and it hurts when I jog
Did you not follow through with your Doctor or did he not recommend physical therapy? After surgery he would recommend physical therapy (and if he didn't he should have) so you would know how to over come the pain and problems. If you have a bone coming out you need to see the Doctor again, not tell us about it as the only thing any of us can do is feel sorry for you,
For goodness' sakes, STOP!! You either have a bone spur, calcium deposit, or you chipped a bone. Get to your orthopedic surgeon ASAP to get an x-ray to find out why. Trying to move like you're doing can do further damage, perhaps irreparable. You might need further surgery to remove any scar tissue. Please get this checked out by your doctor.

I had just finish school .. and i have just "one" year to "live"?

i had just found out that i have cancer ... and i just finish hi-school this summer . i need from you to tell me a places that a should go to ... movies to watch .. sports to do ... anything to mark this last year of my life
Think of a place that you really want to go... and then get in touch with the Make-A-Wish Foundation. they make dreams reality... they will make your last wish come true... you are worried about paying for the trip, they will cover the expenses...As far as I can see... you meet the requirements... they grant wishes to children between the ages of 2 1/2 and 18... and you're 16. Sorry to hear about the news... but at least you will really be living up your last year... just don't think of it as your last... Think of this as the BEST is yet to come... =)Now think for a great wish... =)
come hang out with me in new york city.
Go to a place you have dreamed of. Go to Hollywood or an exotic place it s up to you.
im really sorry to hear about your condition. i think you should try to visit some place that has always facinated you. maybe you would wanna give back a little and maybe even talk to children who may be sufferring with cancer. give back a little. you never know how it may influence someone's life or how you may be able change the world. you should also be a fighter and stay strong. i know there would be those times when you'll feel like giving up but remember God is gonna help you get through this. i honestly dont know what else to say but I hope you find peace within youself and always have hope. may God continue to bless you and I honestly pray that you just dont have one more year to live.
Is there no way to fight the cancer? Think of the ONE THING you want to do, and DO IT!
Sounds like you need to be out doing as many things as you've dreamed of doing now. Determine the one place that you've always wanted to see and go there. But while you are doing these things, fight the cancer the best you can. Most of them are beatable these days, or at least you could extend your life beyond that one year mark.((HUGS))
well if you think like that .. u wont have that long to live ..think positive .. you know that life is determined by your attitude ... that just means that now you have to stay hopeful for the best outcome ... no matter what .. so dont listen to what the docs say .. change your mind frame ..and no matter what what makes your heart happy ..
I'm so sorry! If it were me I would sit down and make a list of 10 things I wanted to do. They can be big or small! Then I would do them in order no matter what. Unfortunately most of us can't just jet set off and see the world, but maybe pick one place within your means and go. Niagara is beautiful and reasonable and will leave you in awe. There is tons to do there, nightlife, casinos, haunted houses, fun museums, really just to much to list. I would also suggest maybe taking a few weeks and spending time helping with special children. It will be an experience you can't get anywhere else and will make you feel amazing. It is rewarding and humbling and has been my best experience in 35 years. They are the most loving people on earth and you will never forget it. If you can't find a program like that, just spend time with any children. Children have a way of putting the simple things into perspective and they really appreciate life. I wish you luck and you will be in my thoughts. Please keep posting and let us know what you are up to.

I had cut my thumb between the thumbnail its something like a paper cut but hurts more?

I cut it when I was opening an box when I went to open it to slid my thumb against it I slit my thumb right inside my thumbnail. I need to know how to treat it ? It hurts to touch it and move it and it stings like crazy. When I put ice on it it hurts worse why is that. Anybody got any ideas what to do ? Do I need to splint it so I can work or is it serious enough to see a doctor ?
Paper cuts hurt the worse. Ouch!It needs to be treated with a little anti bactreial cream and a bandaide. And keep it dry.The skin has been cut along with low lying nerves, so of course it is going to hurt. And on your thumb which we use all the time it will be moving and have pressure on it.Unless it is very deep and still bleeding you don't need to worry about a Doctor.Ice is not going to help it. A well placed and snug bandaide will give it enough support and you enough comfort to allow you to work.
My recommendation would be to put a little bit of antibacterial on it (like neosporin) and put a bandaid over the top of your thumb, then wrap another bandaid around the bottom of the first bandaid to keep it in place and also this will make you more aware of moving your thumb. Icing won't really help as it's a skin problem.

I had bloodwork done 6/19 - I had a sinus infection at that time. I received a notice to contact my dr about?

my bloodwork. I have not heard back yet. What could be the problem? I'm preparing for the worst but hoping for the best so honestly tell me what you think. Thanks
Well it depends on what you had the blood work done for. If you were preparing for a surgery they could be telling you that they found something that needs your attention. For example your blood sugar could be too high. Another thing is if you are planning on donating blood to use later (like after surgery) they want to make sure you get over your sinus infection because it could cause problems afterwards. But like I said it depends on what you did the bloodwork for.

I had back surgery and waiting to have hardware removed.?

It hurts in the area of hardward. Any ideas on helping with the pain? It may be a while for ok on removal.
I've had this, along with another twelve surgeries. The hardware was removed after about a year. The area was healed then, scar tissue was forming around the area so, they took it out. They cleaned the area and it was O.K. for about ten years, now all hell has broken loose but, that's another story.
You'll have to be patient and wait for them to take out the metal, it should be O.K. after that.
do you have scoliosis? i do and i got the surgery when i was 15 (17now) i do rem it hurting for a long time afterwards like for the first year my back was just sore. it ddnt hurt like i cldnt move but some days it hurt alot. after that first year i can do nething and it dsnt hurt nemore unless its gonna rain then it does hurt sometimes.
may i ask y ur getting it removed? thats another surgery and if you have scoliosis then getting them removed dsnt do nething bc ur spine is still fused. i would not reccomend the removal.
well on helpin with the pain i usually use a heating pad and it helps ssoooooo much. i just have to sit there with it on. and i take tylonal 8hr. that helps alot too.
Ouch . Use an ice-pack for about 10 minutes at a time (to reduce pain %26 swelling) . Don't use directly on the skin (to prevent nerve damage) .
Have you tried Lidoderm patches? Apply over the painful area and this numbs the pain for 8-12 hrs. You will need a prescription (and probably drug insurance) to obtain these because they cost about 7. each but they work well and you don't get strung out on them. Just quit applying them after hardware is removed.

I had a small burn like really small on my finger and it formed a bubble so i left it alone and?

and it like dried and the skin is peeling and having a scab i keep puttin neosporin on it is that ok and normal?
Yes that's normal, and it sounds like it is healing well.
Keep doing what you're doing and be careful of infections. (I got a burn on my leg, bout the size of a quarter was disgusting lol)Bathe it each day in warm very salty water, this will keep it clean and help healing.
The important thing is try to keep the bubble (skin) intact, it will help to keep bacteria away. Since the skin have dried up and starts to peel, that means it's healing, and a second layer of skin is forming underneath it and the outer layer skin (bubble) will fall off by itself. So you can stop applying any more anti-septic cream.

I had a slight bike accident and have just had 7 stitches today...?

I unfortunately fell on concrete and know have a number of abrasions on my left forearm, hands, knee and right shoulder. I also have a large abrasion on the right of my face and a cut above and running into my eyebrows - almost everywhere.I went to A%26E and they stitched my eyebrows - 7 stitches.
I also have a number of abrasions. I have washed them with warm water and antiseptics. What should I do in order to keep my abrasion wounds clean?
Is it possible to reduce scarring by eating certain foods?
How can I reduce scarring in the long run?
just keep the wounds clean and dry. Tea Tree oil and lavender oil are great ante septics. Put a few drops of them in water and bathe.
glad you were not more seriously injured.take vitamin c supplements if you like.
Increase fresh fruit and veg intake. Eat chicken, fish and beef. You don;t need to go over the top but just eat healthily.
Scaring is difficult to stop, i had an operation earlier this year they say to rub vaseline into it, it can help it heal. You shouldn't be left with a massive scar but it will take a year to go down to a white line. Warm water and salt, great antiseptic but it stings.Hope you get better soon x
The best way to prevent a scar is to prevent a scab from forming . Keep the area clean and moist with antibiotic ointment .When a scab starts to form clean the area gently until the scab is removed and keep it moist with the ointment . after its healed there are over the counter products to minimize scarring
Not very nice, but an old remedy was to use maggots, they ate away the scabs, reducing scarring %26 infection.
cocobutter on scarring,mild soap dial microbial or other mild soap
Try some salt in water mixture- 1 teaspoon in a cup of water helps healing process nicely
Hydrogen peroxide is a good one for cleaning of wounds -Check out the article below about Vitamin E and scarring:

I had a oil burn injury which formed a blister.My question is,would the blister go ?i had the accident ystday?

cold water is the best first aid when you burn yourself - 20 minutes under the tap is ideal. NEVER ice or vinegar or milk or butter or green tea or mustard or toothpaste or sunscreen or semen or vaseline or tomatoes or vanilla extract or yogurt or sour cream or egg white or lavender oil or cocoa butter or salt or tea bags or potato or shaving cream or olive oil or baking soda or banana peel or petroleum jelly or whipped cream or avocado or bacon grease or corn starch or tumeric or lemon juice or curd- not until the skin is fully healed!alcohol might help with the pain but it is a serious risk as it will dehydrate you - so don't drink any. ibuprofen or aspirin will help but larger burns are often accompanied by stomach ulcers, so tylenol/panadol is best for pain if you are gonna tough it out. drink plenty of water or energy drinks that don't have caffeine (gatorade) i would advise that you cover the burnt area with white soft paraffin (white petroleum) or aqueous cream bp. (check the links below and see if you can find a local equivalent). wash the burn and reapply every 4-6 hours - cover with cling wrap if you wish to cover with clothes - this will stop your clothes getting covered with paraffin and maintains the burn.cling wrap alone is ok if you can't get hold of any paraffin. it also acts as a protective artificial skin - helping retain moisture and protect from further damage and pain. cling wrap is cheap and clean off the roll. in Australia ambulances often use this when someone has been burnt. - please note that cling wrap isn't always practical, like on your face.the paraffin imitates the natural oils, creating a seal stopping water leaving the body and reduces pain by protecting sensitised nerves. both of these factors improve healing - good stuff stays in, bad stays out - that is one job of healthy skin. aloe is good coz it remoisturises but that moisture can be quickly lost as the skin can't contain fluids. so put aloe on, and then the paraffin on over the top. if there is broken skin leave out the aloe - just paraffin. if you still have questions - send photos feedingthedogcustard@hotmail.c...finally if you are really worried go to a hospital that has a burns unit or plastic surgeons. serious sunburn i.e. blisters (and all other burns) should be seen by a burns trained doctor or nurse.
My mom just burnt herself with oil last week while frying potatoes. She too got a few large blisters. She called the doctor, they said to pop the blisters with a clean needle but leave the skin on. So they will go away and return to normal. But scarring can occur.
How big is your injury? If it is bigger than your palm, or if it is in your hands/face/feet/arms/legs/geni... would suggest seeing your doctor asap. Keep your wound clean at all times. If you are not updated with your tetanus shots, get them as well.
keep it clean, put on neosporin, and take some zinc (helps heal body)

I had a hernaited dics removed 3 months ago why do i feel like i have a golf ball in my throat?

its been 3 months now my surgeion is gone till next month is this normal to fell this in my throat
If you had the discs removed in your cervical spine (neck), it could EASILY be caused by swelling, even if the surgeon took a posteriolateral approach. Scar tissue could be another culprit. If your surgeon did an anterior or anteriolateral approach, I would talk with your physician and see if they can do a CT or MRI of your neck (I am assuming you have some kind of hardware in your neck, so you'll probably have the MRI). During the surgery, there could have been slight damage to your nasopharynx or esopagus.Now, if you had the disc repair in your lower or middle back, I would chalk it up to anxiety.I hope this helps of luck!
It could be a damaged or pinched nerve sending you false signals, or it could be an actual swelling. Definitely get it checked out, if not by your surgeon then by your regular doctor.

I had a heavy plank fall on my hand and my finger nails are coming off what can i do?

Pretty much nothing. I would make sure you keep the area's disinfected, and clean. You may want to put band-aids on them. Or some of that clear coat bandage protector. If it is still bothering you go to a Dr. Otherwise they SHOULD end up growing back. And be more careful next time!
Wait for them to grow back.
nothing. just wait through the pain for them to fall off and grow back

I had a head injury two weeks ago. I just nearly blacked out lying down?

I cracked a bus windscreen with my head at 30 miles an hour two weeks ago. I was fine after, no bruise nothing. They saw me at hospital but said i was fine. I was just lying down and suddenly went really dizzy and hot and weird feeling, like the floor was slipping away. My left arm hurts and i checked my pupils in the mirror, but they don't change in the light. Could this just be a panic attack or could my head injury have done something to me?
If you had been well 2 weeks, it seems this is not due to the head injury , don worry, but it would be better to get a check up anyhow.
get yourself to the doctor ASAP.

I had a fractured wrist and the cast came off two weeks ago, can i lift weights?

It was a hairline fracture so I don't think it was that serious.
I had a hard cast on for about 4 weeks.
The doctor said 2 weeks ago that the wrist was at about 90%.
I would like to start a weight lifting program to gain muscle for wrestling so should i be ready to start or should i give the wrist more time to heal?
Personally, I'd give it more time to heal. Try swimming, you'll use a LOT of muscles, including muscles in your arms, with a lot less impact on that healing wrist.Otherwise, I'd ask your doctor if weight lifting would be appropriate. I've broken my wrist twice, and it felt pretty weak for a while after getting the cast off.
yea i agree with the other person that says swimming. id at least give it 4 more weeks to heal. yea hairline fractures are not that serious but lifting weights can cause a major setback. i can't really tell you what to do, im just giving you my opinion. well good luck with everything.
DO NOT do any strenous weight lifting for right now. Did they not advice you work with a physical therapist before you get back to your regular exercise program?

I had a DVT several years ago. My leg now constantly feels slightly painful.?

This sensation wakes me up. I also have sciatica. Is there anything I can do to alleviate discomfort? I feel as though I am dragging myself round at work %26 then too tired to do anything after work. Tis becoming miserable.
Make an appointment to see your GP.
First check and make sure you don't have another DVT.
If the GP can't deal with the pain from your sciatica then ask for a referral to a pain clinic. The doctors there can help you with both the physical and psychological aspects of long term chronic pain.
you really need to be asking your doctor this question, not us.
take a small amout of asprin to thin out the blood and it should easy your pain
I fully agree with freebird (am also a nurse). You need to be seen to make sure you do not have another thrombosis there. Both Sciatica and thrombosis can be painful and uncomfortable.
I would see a doctor as soon as possible and in the mean time take a dose 300mg of Aspirin. (assuming you have no allergy to aspirin) Aspirin does thin the blood so if there is a clot or clots there then aspirin will help.
However as you know with DVT's there is the danger that the clot could travel up to your lungs and cause a Pulmonary embolism which is life threatening.
See your GP without delay as it's better safe than sorry.

I had a dream that I smoked!?

I quit smoking two months ago. I have not had an urge to smoke in quite some time now. In my dream I was working and a friend gave me a cigarette and I lit it. I really enjoyed. I am now afraid that it is a sign that I may smoke again. Could this just my new way of coping with something really stressful without actually smoking. Also, When I am awake, I do not have any urges to smoke and others can smoke in front of me. I have no problem with anyone blowing smoke in my face either.
I quit over 9 years ago I still have the urge to smoke at the weirds time for reason that I can't understand. Thankful they come and go and are easy to deal with. I just stop and think why would I want to do that? I still have dreams were I'm smoking some good some really bad. If you are really ready to stop you will take the dreams a urges for what they are the old addiction trying to find a weak spot in your armor.
Sounds like a fear/release dream to me. You quit smoking and you're afraid you'll go back to it again. The dream is just letting you vent that fear, so to speak...
I quit for three weeks and then i started dreaming about me smoking. the next day after i gave in and smoke a cig. now i am back at step one.
You've been stressed out here lately so it's probably just your subconscious. Smoking was always the way you dealt with stress. By the way... DEE TE DEE!! Love ya!
Dreams are formed from our past experiences. Since you smoked in the past it is only natural that this might have happened.
In NO way does this mean you will smoke in the future. You have full control of your destiny. Good luck

I had a concussion on friday and i went to the hospital but now in having really bad headaches help please?

i like what AKDZ said, but if its just normal pain then try 2 Ibuprofin (thats its generic name its Also Known As tylenol, advil, asprin, ect.) and 2 cellery seed, i dont know what it is about that combo, but i tried it once and i felt great for the rest of the day, it seems to bust up the worst headaches in a matter of hours, even migranes which get worse the longer you wait.if you can distract yourself from it for a hour, then it will make your day feel so much better. if you ever need to buy yourself some time for it to kick in then give me a call darling, you know the number already, you already called me i think it was 5 times today. :"%26gt; and i loved every min. of it.
If the headaches seem severe go to the ER. Do not wait around to see what happens.
Go back. NOW.
Return to the hospital at once - there can be late side effects to a concussion
You need to go to the emergency ward and let them know what's happening and how you feel, this is nothing to play with.
well u should go back to the doctor and see what they can tell u and have them run some test on u! and if not take some execedrin and call the doctor in the morning...
Some pain after a concussion is normal, but persistent, severe pain might be a sign of a problem. If the pain continues, I'd suggest calling your doctor or possibly the doctor who treated you in the hospital (though they may be a lot harder to get a hold of) and let them know what's going on. Only a professional can tell you if your pain is normal or a sign of a larger complication.

I had a closed head injury back in 1993, now I'm collecting ssdi is it to late for me.?

Too late for what?
Too late for you to what? need more info
Is it too late for you to .what?
I don't have a clue of what is ssdi and wonder ...too late for what?Anyway, whatever the thing you worry you are too late, there is nothing like trying...the only thing they can say is NO. Good luck!
For someone with a brain injury it may be difficult to find the words to form a complex question (or answer a complex question) so having been there myself I'll take a best guess in the dark. People with cognitive brain injuries typically respond best to simple yes/no questions, if asked to choose from multiple choices you may just get a blank stare or no response at all.I'm not sure what you're too late for, or how bad an injury you had. the brain is an amazing organ it will continue to rewire itself, doctors tend to be pessimistic because they don't want to give you false hopes, but know that you will likely be continually improving, with different parts of the brain taking over for those that have been damaged. Brain studies on terminally ill patients have shown the brain grows/regenerates well into old age. I had closed head injury 1994 in a car wreck, some things improved in a few years, others took longer, some seem to be permanent, but i may yet be surprised again. I did not lose any motor functions mine had to do with cognitive skills, memory and comprehending what I was looking at/reading. If that is the case for you hopefully you have had access to the kind of cognitive therapy one needs post head injury. It made a world of difference to me.Interestingly some things would just improve/go away overnight after years of being static, though I still have to contend with things like short term memory loss, occaisional dyslexia when speaking/writing (eg. do instead of don't can instead of can't, leaving words out of written sentences) and difficulty learning/retaining new things I am trying to learn to this day. Fortunately I did not lose the skills i had preinjury (I was 36 at the time) and anything related to what i already knew/could do remains virtually intact.Keep at it do the best you can, chances are by now you may have already learned to live/function within your limitations. A cognitive skills assessment may be of value in dealing with your limitations if not done already. As far as cognitive deficits I found that finding/being given tools to compensate for the things I was no longer able to do (having to use a calendar and making lots of lists for instance) was at least half the solution to the problem.Hopefully you have supportive understanding caring people in your life. If not, see about joining a brain injury support group, you will find you are not alone out there. It's a long shot but you may find that one day when you least expect it you will wake up and something that you thought was gone forever is there again as if someone flipped a switch. That's the brain rewiring may find the following brain injury sites to be useful. wishes for a continuing recovery

I had a blood test last wed, and my arm is still bruised and painful. Is this normal?

When she took the blood is was slightly more painful than usual but not too bad. The next day a bruise came up and i couldn't stretch it. Now a week later, the bruise is no longer sore but my arm aches as though i have been lying on it, from my elbow right down to my fingertips. It still hurts if i stretch but not a pain, just this dull ache.
i had a similar reaction to a canula insertion in my arm. i went to the docs about it and he gave me some cream for phlebitis, which is bruising in the vein. it went after a coulpe of days. i suggest going to the doc.
Poor you.maybe the nurse ought ot have practised on an orange first instead of you! You won't get an answer if you were to ask anyway. Try arnica creme that will take the soreness away and bring out the bruising. Can be bought at any good chemist on the high street.
I would say pop into the doctors get the doctor or nurse to check it over! The first time i ever went to donate blood my arm was like this!
Go to the doctor if you're really worried. But i'd say just give it another couple of days. I know when i had a blood test done once, it hurt for around 2 weeks!
thats what happens when the needle hits a nerve.
it will get better in time

I got shot with BB and I can't ge tit out?

I've been shot many times but most of the time they fall otu and I was outside playing in my woods with our BBs and I didnt know I got shot with a BB, I mean I knew I got shot but I wasnt worried about it.It hurts even worse and I moves if I touch it.I got shot in the lower part o my head. should go to the Er
Yes get off the computer and go to ER. You need to take a gun safety course even if it is only a BB guns you are playing with as you should NEVER EVER get hit with a BB if you are using the guns correctly.
WOW. Why would you play a woods game with BBs. My BB rifle shoots 700+ FPS, thank god I wasn't playing
Yes, this probably warrants a trip to the ER. Reasons: it's in your head. It's not coming out. It's causing you pain. The pain is increasing. Go get it removed, and have your head looked at :)
Yes, go to the ER and have someone else drive you there.

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