Sunday, May 23, 2010

I had a fractured wrist and the cast came off two weeks ago, can i lift weights?

It was a hairline fracture so I don't think it was that serious.
I had a hard cast on for about 4 weeks.
The doctor said 2 weeks ago that the wrist was at about 90%.
I would like to start a weight lifting program to gain muscle for wrestling so should i be ready to start or should i give the wrist more time to heal?
Personally, I'd give it more time to heal. Try swimming, you'll use a LOT of muscles, including muscles in your arms, with a lot less impact on that healing wrist.Otherwise, I'd ask your doctor if weight lifting would be appropriate. I've broken my wrist twice, and it felt pretty weak for a while after getting the cast off.
yea i agree with the other person that says swimming. id at least give it 4 more weeks to heal. yea hairline fractures are not that serious but lifting weights can cause a major setback. i can't really tell you what to do, im just giving you my opinion. well good luck with everything.
DO NOT do any strenous weight lifting for right now. Did they not advice you work with a physical therapist before you get back to your regular exercise program?

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