Saturday, November 7, 2009

I got into a fight last year,and i got my knee hurt...How can i recover quicker during a fight?

I got into a fight with a kid last year,he was around my height.Ive always had problems with my knees and the rest of my body below my knee line.Im pretty healthy,not great looking,i dont eat that great but i am healthy.
What i really wanna know is,do you know a way to recover from a knee injury during a fight,so that i dont have to back down?
Put your weight and stance on the OTHER knee. Use it as the pivot point for your swing. Work out on Nautilus equipment - it gives you a lot of support for weak joints- and strengthen that knee. You need it to walk as well as to fight.
As far as the other folks saying don't get into fights: He's a KID and it's possible that he's being harassed folks. If that's true kid go ahead and smack the **** out of those meanies. But don't start it yourself ok?
This is an easy one. Don't get into fights. It doesn't prove anything or settle anything. It only causes problems, either yours or someone elses.
don't get in fights it's not that hard
That was pretty sound advice from the other person about avoiding fights, but since you seem destined to continue this, I would say bandage up both knees very well, it seems to be your week spot. You can always surrender before going down. ever try that?

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