Saturday, November 7, 2009

I got a stung by a yellow jacket on the wrist and its swelling pretty bad need to know what to about his issue

i already took some benadryl so what about the swelling!!
go to the hospital and get an anaphylactic shot. I got stung when i was little and i had to get a shot.
continue taking the Benedryl as directed. apply Benedryl cream to the site. if the swelling persists or worsens, go to an urgent care.
had the same thing happen to me last summer, its not very fun... mine got to be about 3 tiimes the size it should.. benadryl is good, keep ice on it for the swelling, and try when you sleep, or are laying down, try to keep your arm elevated.. if you dont have trouble breathiing, and the swelling stays pretty localized, you will be fine, however if you do have trouble breathing, seek medical attention
The swelling is your body's natural defense system. Get some ice on it and get some rest the swelling will subside. Unless you are allergic to them, that could be lethal.
Some people are allergic to the toxin. Play it safe and go to the ER. While rare, people have trouble breathing and sometimes die.
the benadryl should help. give it 30 mins, if your wrist doesn't improve or gets worse then go to walk-in or ER. also use ice to help constrict the blood vessels to help reduce the swelling.
take a knife and scrape the stinger out-it will keep injecting toxins -visit your local ambulance service-they will treat you -with anti-beesting medication-or get to the hospital -beware of anaphylactic reaction
You may be having an allergic reaction. If you think it is just typical swelling and you don't have shortness of breath or other symptoms that are not normal, try putting ice on it. Also, wet tobacco helps to take the sting and swelling out. Look to see if the stinger is still in your wrist, If it is take a credit card and scrape the area until you remove the stinger. Then try all of the above. Benadryl anointment can help take the sting out too.
I always mix up some water with dirt and put the mud patty on the sting ,it only takes about five minutes and the pain goes away leave it on for ten to fifteen minutes to make sure the stinger is out.Works every time.
I got a email about this Tape a penny on it for 15 - 20 minutes then the swelling is suppose to go down...Good Luck
Try applying a little bit of ice. if that doesn't seem to take the swelling away go to the doctor or the ER if you have to. Swelling like that usually indicates a serious reaction to the bite/sting and if you let it go untreated it could lead to aniphilactic shock. The doctor will probably just give you a quick shot and some care instructions and set you on your way... granted an at ER it may take longer than it sounds. Good Luck.
Cut a raw white potato and place it on the sting and it will pull the poison out. And for swelling wet a paper towel and put meat tenderizer on the sting.
Wet tobacco out of a cigarette. Apply for about 15 minutes and then take a benedryl along with a topical hydrocortizone AKA anti-itch skin cream.
If the swelling gets bad enough you might want to go to the ER. If you have any trouble breathing I'd call 911.If the swelling gets past a certain point they may need to do something to keep the skin from rupturing. I react badly to stings as well. You also might want to talk to your doc about getting an Epi-Pen
Put some ice in a plastic zip lock bag then in a wet wash cloth ice it down. Have someone drive you to the hospital because if you are having an alergic reaction then the Dr. may order medication for you that you may not be able to drive on, and they always ask do you have a driver first. If not, that may prolong your stay. My husband who is in the military is alergic to bee and wasp stings he has to carry a pre-filled siringe and they taught him to give himself an emergency injection (Not the same as a regular injection) You need to to be careful this could be life threating.
Same thing happened to me last summer, except I got stung by a carpenter bee... depending on how much your wrist is swelling, you might be allergic to stings. If it gets so swelled that you're *really* worried about it, go see a doctor. For now, keep taking the Benadryl. To keep the swelling down, apply an ice pack for ten minutes, then tightly wrap an ace bandage (you know, those stretchy cloth ones) around your wrist for half an hour. Repeat this a few times (ice, then wrap). If it's still pretty swelled when you go to sleep, keep the bandage wrapped around it as you sleep (remember to keep it wrapped tightly, but not so tightly that you cut off blood flow!). If you need to go out (to the grocery store or something), keep the bandage on. Using this process, the swelling should go down and be completely gone within a few days.And as a few other people already said - if you have any trouble breathing, call 911!

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