Saturday, October 24, 2009

I got a black eye 6 months ago Still slightly swollen..?

All right about 6 months ago i got a black eye it mostly healed but my left eye si stil slightly swollen...Its a bit annoying and i was just wondering since its been so long does this mean i have permanet eye damage?Theres nothing else wrong its healed and everything its just looks like im glaring half the time
Did you go to the doctor?You may have fractured the bone around the eye socket. If that's the case it may take up to a year to heal, but it may never heal exactly the way it was before.Sorry. Just be glad you didn't lose an eye. You could be walking around like a pirate.
I don't really know whats wrong, but I would strongly advise seeing a doctor a.s.a.p
Black eyes usually take a few weeks to heal, so it sounds as if you fractured your cheek bone or your orbital socket. I would recommend seeing a doctor for some preventive xrays just to be on the safe side.

I get.Dizzy?

Well. sometimes, when i lay down, my head gets dizzy as soon as i close my eyes. this doesnt happan all the time, just every now and then. i am always thinkjng of something before i go to sleep, is it because my mind can not do 3 things at once? this normal?
One common cause is a middle ear infection. The middle ear is responsible for your equilibrium. If as a child you had a lot of ear infections you might be prone to the problem. (Maybe that's why I walk into walls sometimes)
it will happen to me every once and a while. IDK why it happens if you find out e-mail me please cuz i would like to know.
thnk god am not the only one this happens to but mines gets really bad that i end up being sick so like she say if you find out anything let me know thnx.
If this happens occasionally don't worry, we all get it.
If it is regular, beware it could be blood pressure or even worse, get it checked by your Doctor

I get this pain when and while i run...?

it's this cramp i get in my stomach area. i juss got it today when i had attempted to run long distances. if it matters, it was the left side of my stomach.
i have done my research, and this symptom points to me having muscle strain, but i dont know for sure that's what i have.
today, i started to get this cramp about after running maybe half a mile. i have asked other people and they told me that it could be because you ate right before you ran, but i didn't, and other people tell me that it's my breathing, but i dont think that's it either. so wat is this? and how can i prevent it from happening?
i normally get that pain too. I just take the pain and keep running, thats the best thing to do. If you go to the doctor, they'll probably say the same thing.
A few months ago, I came across a great product for weight loss and like many others I was skeptical about it. But I really wanted to lose weight and I tried it. The results were excellent and I lost 20 pounds in 2 months. I felt fantastic and I dropped another 5 pounds safely. That's why I recommend you check this product at where they have a free trial and you only pay 6.95$ shipping and handling.
Good luck!
KK try a few things.First make sure you are well hydrated
Second, Stretch that area. Raise your arms up and lean back and to the sides and stuff. Make a circle with your arms in the air and stuff. Just make sure you are stretching that part of the stomach..
Finally, try breathing out when your left foot hits the ground, instead of the right. This happens to a lot of people, so dont worry its nothing major lol

I get the worst menstrual cramps! What are some home remedies..?

to help the cramps go away???
No heating pad around so please dont suggest that.
I get terrible ones as well. so bad i feel nauseous and like i cant walk to my living room. Well i usually just lay in bed with a heating pad..they are really not that expensive and like the other people say you can put a wet towel in the microwave. My home remedy is to drink a table spoon of mint extract. It smells wonderful but tastes ooo so very bad. in about 30 minutes that pain is a lot better and i can manage walking. just eat chocolate. i eat chocolate chip granola bars and lots of fruit. except avoid watermelon it just makes your period stronger so does plantain and cantaloupe. Avoid lemonade too. the greatest thing to eat is a frozen banana on a stick not covered in chocolate. you can have chocolate on it but without chocolate you can eat as many without worrying about gaining too much weight. they feel great because tehy are cold and bananas relieve cramps.if you cant get mint extract but mint leaves and boil water and leave the mint leaves in the boiled water and make a tea out of it.
A hot bath. Other than drugs or a heating pad there isn't much you can do.
youre not supposed to tell us what to answer
heating pads do work and advil
Tylenol Extra Strength Rapid Release Capsules. It's also believed that tons of caffeine in your system makes them worse. Avoid caffiene and heavy foods. If you are overweight, that can also attribute to excrutiating pain.
You may not have a heating pad, but a hot water bottle does the same,or even a hot towel.
Motrin usually helps me, but when you take it it takes a while for it to kick in, and you still feel kinda crappy, but it helps and makes you feel a whole crap load better
Just take a few tylonal, and Go in a hot tub or take a warm bath.Or try one of those pills that control it for 4 months, meaning you won't menstrate for 4 months, and on the 5th month it's been provine to help with cramps
chocolate, extra strength pain killers %26 rolling up in a ball and sleeping. helps me. if its really bad go to your doctor he can give you meds or put you on birth control and make you feel better.
Take ibuprofen or naproxen in prescription strength dose and go soak in a nice warm bath tub and get some exercise.
you could take some midol and put on a large pad and go running or do some exercise. drink lots of water and you should feel back to normal soon.
i get really bad menstrual cramps as well to the point of fainting at times. Anyway, i'd say that the best pain relief i found is MIDOL. it takes the pain away in minutes!
Drinking plenty of fluids and exercise but the exercise is more for when you are not in the mist of the cramps. Heating pad to area and Advil. Hot baths
water bottle's on your stomach works than there's warm baths but for me you should go to one of the small shops that sell organic soap's just rub the soothing and lilac soup on your chest before you go to sleep it relaxes your muscles and gets rid of cramps.
No heating pad? Tie up some raw rice in a towel and microwave it. Then RELAX, do some deep, slow breaths and take a nap. Pamprin is my choice of cramp relievers.
Try sitting in a bath with water as hot as you can stand it without it being painful of course, take ibuprofen too, then try laying in a quiet dark room after.
Well that happened to me yesterday. They were so bad i couldnt walk from my living room to my kitchen. I took a Motrin. Motrin loosens the muscles and stops them from being so tight and so that it loosens the tension on the pain. Also just sit in a comfortable place and occupy yourself. Watch a movie. and just sit down for awhile. They soon stop and go away. Watch something funny to take your mind of the pain. This works. . . also you can eat something healthy like a granola bar and then drink some juice like OJ, Apple etc or water. Dont drink soda that just makes it worse. Hope this helps.
I've always found that keeping busy tends to keep my cramps at bay, but when it doesn't. . .I take Aleve.
And keeping your feet warm helps a lot too. I remember reading somewhere (when I was having bad cramps) that there is a pressure point in your foot that if massaged correctly will help relieve bad menstrual cramps. . . it'll also help to relieve cramps if that same pressure point and surrounding muscle is kept warm.Beyond that, a hot pack on your lower back does wonders :)
If you have a plastic rolling pin that allows you to put hot water in it, they work great for reliving the pain. Also Pamprin works great for all the symptoms.
Fill an empty two litre bottle (pepsi coke whatever) with hot water if you don't have a heating pad. Also, you can use the hottest water available on a towel/ washcloth, and put it, folded up, in a zippy bag.
I had this as a teen.I even threw up every month. I needed to see a doctor but I didn't know that. You should see a doctor. Take yourself to the ER if your parent doesn't "get it." They will treat you. I think. Maybe that's one for another
Warm bath, Tylenol
Do you have a microwave? Put a damp towel in a zip-lock bag for 40 seconds and use it as a heating pad. It works just as well. Over the counter pain relievers also work to relieve does exercise. Exercise is a great way to help cramping.
to be quite honest with you,i really dont know of any,but wheni was younger,i used to get cramps so bad that i walked hunched over,the only thing that worked halfway decent for me were advil tablets,i took three every four hours and to get relief was to lie down after i took the advils,those were a godsend. try it.!
There are certain kinds of herbal teas that can help against cramps; like black cohosh or corn silk tea. Sometimes you get cramps because you're not getting enough iron. Try eating foods rich in iron around the time of your period, like beets. There are also a few products (in pill or cream form) that contain wild yam , which work pretty well. If you want a quick fix though take an extra strength pain killer, like Neurofen Plus or Dolormin for women; these are both really effective.
Hope you feel better soon.
i agree with the other answer.

I get really dizzy?

sometimes i get really dizzy for no reason and will almost fall over from feeling so light-headed and disoriented. what could cause this? i am anemic, can that cause it?
It could be caused by a drop in blood pressure or inadequate output of blood from the heart. Abnormal heart rhythm. And also anemia. See your doctor at your earliest convenience. Hope you feel better.
anemia can definitely cause that. so can dehydration and lack of proper nutrition. You need to see a doctor.
That might be one of the causes but i would just make a doctors appointment just to be safe
drink lots of water. You may be low in volume. Also keep up the iron pills. gatorade is better than wate if you don't have any trouble with diabetes.
yes, anemia can make you feel weak also conditions like low blood sugar or sinusitis or inner ear infection - i would see and MD
I would strongly suggest seeing a doctor. There are many potential causes of dizziness. Only a Dr. can make an accurate diagnosis. It could be as simple as wax in your ears messing up your equilibrium. Good luck and take care.
Are you drinking enough water? I used to do this a lot too but now that I drink 6-8 glasses a day I don't recall feeling that in quite awhile. Dehydration can cause all sorts of icky feelings, drink up :)
Yes anemia can cause dizziness and another one is Vertigo, this is caused by fluid behind the eardrum. Have a check up with your doctor in case you need proper meds.
sure anemic could cause that. Why are you anemic, are you nutritionally starved? Then start eating well and you won't be dizzy anymore. Or ask your doctor for supplements so you won't overdo your iron intake.Are you a vegetarian? Usually vegetarians have to take multiple vitamins with minerals to make up for the vitamins and all that they are missing in their food. One of the things that has iron in it is meat. So if you're a veterian you're depriving yourself of the iron and can become anemic.
low blood pressure or low blood sugar or corroded artery

I get pressure headaches when it gets hot and muggy, or when its going to rain.?

What can i do to get rid of them, should I take Tylenol or..
Get a job as a weatherperson
Usually these types of headaches are caused by a drop in barametric pressure in the atmosphere. I get them too. I have found that Exedrin Migraine works great for me. They contain caffeine though, so if it is late in the day, extra strength Exedrin or Ibuprofin is a better choice.It works best to take something as soon as you feel the pain coming on.
i dont know how to get rid of them, consult a doctor, but it is most likely caused by a change in barometric (or atmospheric, same thing) pressure
I get them too. It's a pain, but just treat them like you would any other headache. I find that medicine helps reduce it. I had a horrible one for the last couple of days and thankfully last night it rained and now I feel better.
We have treated 15 - 20 yrs cases.
There is no medicine for H/A OR MIGRAINE. Not only these but for almost all painful diseases. Hence they become chronic.
Acidity, excessive wind, cold , heat, sour food and sinusitis, constipation, intestinal inflammation;
Blockage in the flow of Vital Energy are their causes. None of them can be treated with medicine. Our 100% success in treating migraine %26H/A confirms it.
Acupuncture is the best treatment. I can treat it with naturopathy and YOG, but how can you manage pl see.
Avoid late sleeping if possible;spicy, sour, stale bakery foods and alcohole.
Sweet foods, sweet fruits, milk, rice and good sleep will help you.
But you try one herbal remedy- two drops of drumstick leaves' juice in opposite nostril if one side pains and both nostrils if full H/A will give you rescue. Betel leaf helps but it isvery strong.
If it is acute pl search a painful point 3-6 mm behind your thumb nail and press it, H/A will disappear within 30 seconds.Source(s):
R.H. 鈥?19, Jhulelal Society, Sector 鈥?2/E, Airoli, Navi Mumbai, INDIA.

I get numbness when I sleep in arms/legs?e.g If have arms elevatd on chest orsleep on side,arms/legs get numb?

For the past 2 years or so, when I sleep, and have my arms elevated up slightly, they become numb. Fully numb. Or if I sleep on my side, my body is putting pressure on my legs and arms and they get numb.
Maybe a year ago, when i was with my partner, i was sleeping on my back, %26 his foot was resting on my ankle in the night. I woke up at about 2am %26 my leg and side of body was fully numb. I panicked %26 woke him up and i truly believed that i was paralyed as i could not move it at all. I tryed to move it around slowley by lifting it withmy arms. I think it took over half an hour to get it to un-numb itself. It was scary.
The only way I can sleep ok is on my back with my arms resting by my sides.
I don't know what this could be?.. I think it's related to bad circulation, but i am 27 years old. I have had a lot of stress lately, but dont think that would be the cause.if anyone has same problem and found a reason for it, please let me know, as doctors never take it seriously..
I am having this problem as well, but it started when i was studying in australia (not too sure it is the bed there or the stress i had) and that was the first time i encountered such numbness on my arm (usually occurs on my right arm).
After that, when i'm back to Singapore, at times i still felt such serious numbness night.
It's really scary as i can't move, can't feel my arm at all. It's like "dead", i can feel its still attached to my shoulder but beyond it, its just like a piece of "rubber".
Had to take some time, use the other hand to constantly rub it for better blood circulation on that arm.
I used to have numbness feel especially stayed too long in a position but those were mild, needle-pokings and ache feel. At least i can still move my limps or feel that its still "attached" to me.
Not too sure why too, can someone advice us in this?
Yeah it sounds like bad circulation. It's not serious. Don't worry I'm sure the doctors know what they're talking about.
I am a heart patient, and i have experienced the same symptoms you are describing.To the best of my knowledge the numbness e.t.c. is caused by poor circulation.If you have been having this problem for two years you need to see a heart doctor really bad, asap,
Best Wishes
I have the same problems, but I was in a car incident. I found out that I got severe whiplash to my neck, and my arms and legs get numb alway while sleeping. Ask your general practitioner doctor ASAP for an appointment with a specialist neurologist doctor, and request for a MRI x-ray and find out your problems. I had to get to major surgeries to my neck and back to release the nerve damages in my cervicals and lumbars.

I get major headaches, when i press at nape of neck the pain goes away. shuld i be concerned?

I dont get headaches often, but when i do the pain is tremendous. I often rub my neck and feel huge knots all over. When i press a certain point where the spine meets the skull my headache pain virtually disappears until i stop pressing on that spot. I just need to know what i should do about my pain. do i go to a chiropracter or go get a massage? please help me!! Thanks
The only concern I would have is the place you are pressing. From the description it sounds like you are pressing on the brain stem which is at the base of the head. Talk to your doctor, it may just be stress related, but you can never be sure especially if this is new. There are headaches called tension headaches, cluster headaches, migraines, and stress induced migraines. You may just need to relax and see a chiro or get a massage. I know that I treat several clients that suffer from stress headaches and muscle related migraines. Call your doctor and ask for a check-up just to make sure that everything is OK.
Keep rubbing your neck, maybe you need to stimulate some extra flow.
This seems like stress related pain and knotts. Go to a chiro... Hope you feel better!
i would recommend an osteopath... they deal with bones AND the muscles surrounding them... it sounds like your discs are out of place. good luck.
I would speak to your doctor about who would be best to see.Its confusing as both are effective, however until the exact trigger is determined you shouldnt see one over the other. Talk to your doc.
I would definitely try a chiropractor. But make sure and get a recommendation. Some of them are dangerous.
Have someone Judo Chop you right in that place and the effect will last longer.
thats normal dude your fine itz totally just growing pains u get them from stress and junk,and that spot just eases it out,it should go away with a lil age^-^!
well,peace and hope it leaves soon.
It's not a good sign, but then again it could just be an agitated nerve for sleeping wrong or something. Anyways, I would go see a doctor/chiropractor just to be on the safe side.
There is no medicine for H/A OR MIGRAINE. Not only these but for almost all painful diseases. Hence they become chronic.
Acidity, excessive wind, cold , heat, sour food and sinusitis, constipation, intestinal inflammation;
Blockage in the flow of Vital Energy are their causes. None of them can be treated with medicine. Our 100% success in treating migraine %26H/A confirms it.
Acupuncture is the best treatment. I can treat it with naturopathy and YOG, but how can you manage pl see.
Avoid late sleeping if possible;spicy, sour, stale bakery foods and alcohole.
Sweet foods, sweet fruits, milk, rice and good sleep will help you.
But you try one herbal remedy- two drops of drumstick leaves' juice in opposite nostril if one side pains and both nostrils if full H/A will give you rescue. Betel leaf helps but it isvery strong.
If it is acute pl search a painful point 3-6 mm behind your thumb nail and press it, H/A will disappear within 30 seconds.
You are doing is also acupressure. That is GB20 point on both sides.Source(s):
R.H. 鈥?19, Jhulelal Society, Sector 鈥?2/E, Airoli, Navi Mumbai, INDIA.

I get lower back pain on and off and i have been told have flat feet waiting to go to hospital to see someone?

been waiting 3 weeks now and am still in pain on and off,my job means i am on my feet alot.retail that is.what should i do to help reduces the pain in my foot and lower back. i also have a pain in my right leg it come from the foot to the knee, painful if touched, what could that be?, hope to get a letter soon to go and have my feet look at .at hospital, taking along time tho.can anyone help?
With shoes you get what you pay for. I am on my feet alot (own a take out restaurant) and cheap shoes will equal pain every day of the week. Poor foot support can cause pain in the legs, knees, hips, and back. Not sure why you need a letter and have to go to the hospital though - do you not have a podiatrist (foot surgeon/specialist) in your area? If you do, make an appt. If the letter you are talking about is a "referral" for your health insurance company then call your doctor back and tell them you need the referral now because you are in pain. It should never take more than a week for a referral and in cases where the patient is in pain, the referral should be done on the spot. The podiatrist can take a mold of your feet and make custom inserts to be worn in your shoes to provide the proper support. In the meantime you can try some of the ones available at your local cvs/walgreens/other drug store. Dr. Schols dynastep provide good support.
I wonder if a visit to a chiropodist or a chiropractor would help in the meantime you probably need arch supports these could be fitted in an hour .
For your lower back leaning forward and holding for 5 to 10 seconds then straighten up and repeat. Do this 4 to 5 times a day and you'll stretch you lower back mucsle out which will help relieve the pain. Please remember when you lean forward to try and touch your hands to the floor do not bounce go straight down as far as you can and hold. Bouncing while stretching is not good.
If you had flat feet, your legs and muscles in your legs would hurt, not your lower back. Believe me, I have to wear special supports in my shoes or eventually I would be unable to walk and would be forced to get surgery. I am due in August to get casted for more. I would suggest visiting your local podiatrist if you have pains in your legs.
I had something similar. It turned out the best treatment was a combination of physio pilates stretches and either get padded soles or supports for your shoes! Dont wear flats or high heels but get a slightly raised heel?Do you also get any hip pain?Sciaitica may be making your back pain worse?You probably need a referral to a good physio rather than hospital unless your doctor cant get xrays in his surgery?
My son has the same problem, when he eventually saw the orthopaedic surgeon at the hospital he was told to wear orthopaedic insoles in his shoes which you can buy in Boots they are expensive (about 拢20) but they have worked miracles on my sons feet and straightened his pelvis! His back is far less painful now and he can walk upright instead of hunched over!!
Try to sit down intermittently during your working hours. You could also take a posture that best soothes you while at work. When you eventually get to see your GP ask you want MRI of your lumbo-sacral spine in case you have a slipped disc!
I get pain in my lower back due to a problem with my legs,but long story short, I have fallen arches which was also affecting how my leg worked, so I got some arch supports, you can get the ones that slip in your shoes, or ones that sit on your foot.Your best bet to to go too a shop that sells running shoes etc, theres one somewhere around London that will actually check how you want run etc and give you a set of shoes that are best ballanced for you.
Hi having flat feet is not the problem with the pain in your legs. If you are standing on your feet the whole day what kind of shoes are you wearing? Go to a really good shoe store and buy some walking shoes. They are very comfortable and will help with the pain in your legs. Have you thought of going to a chiropractor and having an adjustment done? They can help with all parts of your body since all the nerves in your body stem from your spine.
Your arches are probably falling flat and radiating up your legs to your back. Been there and done that.Call around to shoe stores and find one that sells a hard molded arch support to insert into your shoes. I did this 10 years ago when I had your problems. They cost $50.00 but are machine washable and go into all of your enclosed shoes. You will notice improvement very shortly. I am still wearing the same ones. Mine are hard with a fabric surface. They go from the heal to just behind the toes. My feet a 100 percent healed. I go barefooted a lot and wear flat sandals but my inserts stay in my running shoes.Give it a try, it is much cheaper than the Doctor. and meds.

I get lots of back pain what can i do?

I get lots of pain in my back and im just 19yrs old. For awhile I have had back pain since I was about 14, I went to the doctor and got it looked out and they said nothing was wrong. But i get some really bad back pain on my top spine and upper back.I ask my bf to rub my back a lot and I ask my sister to crack my back.I so badly need help b/c im in good health and eat and sleep right
see a chiropractor and do not let anyone else crack your back. this is not good. do you do alot of bending and lifting.have you ever had a back xray to see if you have scoliosis or arthritis. not just old people get arthritis. i use a product that is old as the hills called absorbine jr. unlike bengay which can burn you if you put clothes on top of it,absorbine jr helps the muscles relax. you may be having muscle spasms. hard to bet is to see a reputable chiropractor or physician like an orthopedic dr.
go to a dr they may need to look into this
get hyped up on morphine!jkjk talk to a chiropractor
get breast reduction
go and see an osteopath not a chiropracter... osteopath's deal with the muscle and bone problems. good luck
Try for a better fitting bra, a more ergonomically correct chair at work, a better mattress. It could be any of a hundred things, talk to your doc, and maybe get a referal to a chiropractor.
When you sit try to be straight, your nose pointed to an imaginary line between your knees. If you stay sitting very long stretch up every hour. Stretch not only your neck but your legs also..sit with your legs stretched and lay down on them for example (touch you knees with you nose) slowly as you breath in and out. Correct posture and exercises can help. Some of the exercises are very simple. I'm 21 and I have lots of back pain too.. muscular contractures (muscles permanently stiff) or back bone abnormalities may be the cause. Consult a doctor and consider some physical therapy (it's a relief).
If your personal physcian did not send you for x-rays or to see a specialist I would suggest that you change doctors.In my state a visit to the hospital would result in x-rays, MRI scans etc. you need to have this checked you may have something like a pinched nerve or something along those lines you may also have a minor case of scoliosis.Another form of treatment is chinese/asian medicine such as acupunture. Please get this taken of before you have children or get older.
I have that problem too. (overweight)Have good posture when standing/sitting/sleeping. As straight or stable as posible.
Sometimes, just pulling you shoulders back help.
Get to a good Chiropractor for an adjustment. It will help the alignment of your spine. You will feel enormously better. It may take a couple to get feeling well again. Once muscles have been out of alignment for a long time it takes a little while to get them corrected again.I have gone almost monthly for about 40 years. This is a temporary therapy. Stand with your back against the wall and feet about 10 inches away from the wall. Bend your elbows and do push aways so you work the muscles in your back. That will help some. Really work the muscles, it helps take the pain out.You can also hang your arms down and bridge with the back of your head. Working the neck muscles helps too. Put a heating pad on the bed or sofa and lay on it , heat helps. Take some type of a pain reliever.Good Luck.
As a fellow sufferer of back pain, here are some basic things I can recommend to you.1) Hydrotherapy. Swimming, especially in a heated or warm pool, can do wonders for any part of your body that is hurting or needs healing. The water helps to support your body so you can stretch out your sore back muscles, and the buoyancy makes you weightless, making your movements easier on your body. Swimming is magnificent excersize, gives your whole body a work out, and the heat of the water can really help to loosen tight muscles. Plus, swimming is really fun. (Smiles).2) Some people think that alternative, holistic medicine can help. I have an enourmous chunk of hematite given to me by a freind. This stone is very good for lower back pain sufferers If placed at the base of the spine and held there for about 15 minutes each session. It is believed to help realgn your back to a more natural position.3) See a chiropractor. If you go to a good one, it's almost as good to get popped propperly as it is something I won't say on this board! (Wink). I do NOT reccomend someone who is not trained to pop your back in ANY way. It may feel good, but it can further do damage to you. A liscenced chiropractor only has to feel your spine and muscles to know where you are out of alignment, and then their knwoeldge can help you to feel more straight and pain free. They aslo offer something called a tens unit, which is something that attaches to your back and sends an electrical signal to your muscles to make them twitch. This may sound odd but it helps to dull the pain a bit as well.4) Yoga. Trying some good streaches for the back (be gentle, work into stretches gently, don't go for big stretches right away, and remember the essence of yoga is to breathe, to be in the present moment, and to align your body with your mind and spirit). Stretching I find has been a great help, but it is always best to ask your doctor which stretches are right for you. I also reccomend reading about yoga. If your docs won't listen to you, I definatly reccomend a chiropractor. They can Xray you and tell you excersizes to do for your specific kind of pain that sometimes only surgery could cure otherwise.
maybe your sleeping position is not right and also your bed matress might cause it. this has been for a long time so its better to see a therapist before it worsens

I get like these black outs when i..?

Stand up from getting up from the couch or bed whether im standing or sitting. Even if i get up real slow. It last for like 30 seconds. And i get all dizzy. Sometimes ill just be sitting down and ill be feeling dizzy and my eyes all like shaking..whats wrong?!
You're not eating the right food? Vitamin deficiency? Are you pregnant? I'd see your doctor.
Take care.
idk that happends to me too i would love to know
That happens to me sometimes.This is caused by blood not getting to your head fast enough do to the increased gravity of standing. This could be a disorder, but is mostlikely caused by not drinking enough water or not excersising regularly. Go to your doctor if it happens a lot.
You have to ventilate well your bedroom before sleeping, as your brain cells need oxygen. Also, you can leave a crack in the window at night, to have continual oxygen from the outside air.
Also that happens in case your pillow is higher than the normal height.
You may be suffering from low blood pressure or another circulation problem. Ask you doctor.
It's caused by a drop in your blood pressure and is called Orthostatic Hypotension. For some people, it is just the way they are. For others, it's a result of something else--such as dehydration, anemia, weak heart, medications, etc. Try increasing your fluid intake, and if that doesn't do help, you should be seen by a doctor to find out what's causing it.
I have that happen to me a lot, but all I can say is to get a doctor to check it out.

I get Hypoglycemia but I'm in the army & afraid of being kicked out?

After heavy physical exertion I would get dizzy %26 feel like passing out. In fact I was out on my feet a couple of times. I went to the ER on 2 occasions %26 was told I was Hypoglycemia. I've swept this under the rug so I can stay in the army (been in 15yrs). I know it ain't smart. Just need advice I have to eat all the time after hard work..
Sounds like something you need to discuss with your doctor
If possible, keep some hard candy in your pocket. This will give you a sugar boost and help until you can get some real food. Once you have access to real food cheese and orange juice are two good foods that will help raise your sugar and keep it elevated; whereas the candy will raise your sugar and then you'll "crash".
wouldn't that be a discriminatory act if they fired you because of a disability... i think the action they would take if they felt you weren't capable of performing your duties would be to modify your duties or place you in a different position that you'd be better able to handle with your condition
i have it too and i feel ur pain. i have passed out twice and i black out like every day. whenever u eat a carb pair it w/ a protien. eat like 6 small meals everyday instead of 3 big ones. i've passed out in school before too. not fun. you can google it too. hope it all goes well in the army!
You have to follow the diet very carefully. Six small meals a day and avoid processed sugars. Stay hydrated. You need to let them know about your condition it can be dangerous other wise. People do have changes in their health. Of course you might not be sent on TDYs as often as the next guy but if you are not alive you want do those things either.
pace your exercise. when you've pushed your body too hard, you know it-- so don't push it anymore. after heavy exercise, rest for a day, or at least try to lay down or relax when you can. They have glucose shots that you can take for treatment like diabetes. but i really don't know what to say about your army career and how the people there are going to repond to your illness. but it's not like they can kick you out of 15 years of service for a controllable cause. otherwise, it would be discrimination.
Eat more frequently - 5 to 6 small meals per day. Try to cut back on the carbs and eat more protein, fresh vegetables and fruits. Eat some animal (complete) protein with every meal/snack as protein is very good at controlling blood sugar levels.
I am hypoglycemic and it does not affect my life in any way. The military would not kick you out because of this. It is not considered a terrible disease. The best thing to eat in between meals is beef jerky, cheese, nuts etc.. Stay away from the candy if possible. It is actually the worst thing you can eat if you feel your sugar is low. And limit your consumption of sugar, white bread, pasta, and rice. Eat healthy proteins such as chicken, fish and pork. You can have unlimited vegetable but go easy on the potatoes. This should not rule your life . It is very easy to get a handle on.
Hypoglycemia is not a disease but a condition that results from a variety of causes so it is unlikely that you will be medically discharged from the service. The condition could be a symptom so it would be a good idea to speak with a medical doctor to rule out any thing.
You can treat a sudden (acute) episode of hypoglycemia by eating or drinking some form of sugar to return your blood sugar to a normal range. This treatment is usually all that is necessary for an isolated episode of hypoglycemia, such as from prolonged fasting or strenuous exercise without adequate food.
Hypoglycemia caused by a long-term (chronic) health condition requires treatment of the underlying condition.
First off, thank you for your service to our country. Man to man I will tell you that I think you should not keep this condition swept under the rug. You're an important part of our country and an issue such as this could jeopardize yourself, squad or unit as a whole. When I first volunteered for the USMC I disclosed that I was highly allergic to pollen, the Sargent told me that it would be his responsibility to slit my throat if I were to start coughing/sneezing uncontrollably and it was going to alert the enemy and put everyone at risk. I am happily a phone man now. Do the right thing, you owe it to your comrades. You don't want to be deployed in Iraq or Afghanistan and not be your best when your guys need you. If something awful occurred you would carry it to the grave. Being a soldier requires you do this.Godspeed
I have hypoglycemia too - that is where the blood sugar plummets, not goes up - it is actually more dangerous to have but cannot be controlled by anything other than eating - there are no drugs for this - I always glucose tabs on had for low blood sugar attacks - get some of them and keep them with you at ALL times - once you can get to food, eat good foods to bring you sugar level back in control and level out without plummeting fast again - a candy bar would help immediately but you will crash again - a snickers bar is also handy for the immediate moment you need the help

I get headaches when getting up...?

When laying down and getting up I get this sharp pain on my left head right above my ears and eyes. But only on the left side. The pain is very sharp!! What can it be??
Possibly sinuses, but get it checked out by a doctor, not someone who plays one on Head pains can be serious.
it also could be that u r sleeping too much
me and a whole bunch of my friends have that if we get p too fast... i suggest trying to slow down when you get up and if it still persists see a doctor
There is no medicine for H/A OR MIGRAINE. Not only these but for almost all painful diseases. Hence they become chronic.
Acidity, excessive wind, cold , heat, sour food and sinusitis, constipation, intestinal inflammation;
Blockage in the flow of Vital Energy are their causes. None of them can be treated with medicine. Our 100% success in treating migraine %26H/A confirms it.
Acupuncture is the best treatment. I can treat it with naturopathy and YOG, but how can you manage pl see.
Avoid late sleeping if possible;spicy, sour, stale bakery foods and alcohole.
Sweet foods, sweet fruits, milk, rice and good sleep will help you.
But you try one herbal remedy- two drops of drumstick leaves' juice in opposite nostril if one side pains and both nostrils if full H/A will give you rescue. Betel leaf helps but it isvery strong.
If it is acute pl search a painful point 3-6 mm behind your thumb nail and press it, H/A will disappear within 30 seconds.Source(s):
R.H. 鈥?19, Jhulelal Society, Sector 鈥?2/E, Airoli, Navi Mumbai, INDIA.

I get cramps lately and I am getting worried. What shall I eat or do to stop it aside from seeing a doctor?

Use calcium magnesium tablets. They really help. Water melons are rich in magnesium so I would suggest you to eat as much as possible. Also drink lots of water.
You really need to see your dr but in the mean time you can try increasing the level of iron during this time by eating things like spinach, raisins, and peanut butter (if not allergic to peanuts of course) and try applying a heating pad or hot water bottle to the area.
You don't say where you are getting cramps, but since you mention eating, I assume that maybe you are getting stomach
cramps, or abdomen? There are so many things it could be.
If your cramps are in your lower abdomen it could be what you are eating, if it's diverticulitis. Pockets in the intestine. Seeds %26 certain foods get into these pockets %26 cause great
discomfort to extreme pain if you get an infection. If it's your
stomach you could have an ulcer, a hiatial hernia. You still need to see a Dr. because there are certain medications that can actually help heal some of these conditions. If let go it will only get worse. You don't want that do You? Take care of your health, it is precious.

I get chest pains once in a while and it really hurts . what could be wrong?

I have a similar issue, and it is probably heartburn. Some foods might do that to you when they have extra grease. Not really that big of a deal, but it is uncomfortable.
Please seek help with this one. Many factors could be the cause. But a qualified health professional is the best source of help with chest pain.
well im not a docter but it may because your pregnant, you have your period, or in the worst possible case brest cancer!
PLZ consult your docter immeadetly
You really do need to get it checked out. It could also be angina. That is like a gas around your heart. You also need to note several possible factors like what you were doing when the pain occurred such exercising, resting, walking, etc. and tell that to your Dr.

I get bug bites from sleeping in my camper, no one else does. Help!?

The camper is clean, windows are closed. Beds have been vacuumed, all linens washed. No one else gets bit, but they love me - I'm ready to quit camping.
they like you better!!No really, you have chemicals in your body that attract them.
perfume/cologne, what you eat, what hair care products you use, all affect how attractive to bugs you are. try using a good bug spray. AVON has one of the best. it is called "bug Guard" with Picardin instead of deet. Deet is a systemic and can be absorbed into your skin, making you sick if you use to much or combine it with other creams or lotions such as sunblock.
DEET. have you used a bug spray with Deet. other option, wear long pants and long sleeves.
Have you tried insect repellent?
when you get home put one of those bug bombs in there to kill anything that may be living in there.

I get a whistling sound in my left ear. Is it age related or something else? can someone tell me more please?.

Could be tennitus. My father has it. Check this out...
Do you take more aspirin than the norm? I was told when I had that same problem that that could be the cause. I really think that if you are so concerned, that you should make an appointment with an ear specialist. Good luck!
I actually got a whistling in my ear from my ear ring of all things. Only when I wore one certain pair.I have 8 holes in one ear and 4 in the other.However I only wear 4 in one ear and 1 in the other. But it was my bottom cartilage piercing that would do it.
strange huh
I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I get the whistling sound in my ear at least twice a day, as does my brother. To friends I've said, "Do you ever get that whistling sound in your ear, like if you could imagine what a dog whistle sounds like to a dog?" and they've agreed. I think its perfectly normal, even if it is annoying.
well may b its some body wistiling @ u but u dont c them

I get a twitch/shooting pain from my shoulder to the top of my neck now and again, what could it be ?

Fairly common.Sounds like a pinched nerve or disc problem.Also,depending on your age,it could be what in days of yore were known as growing pains.Not all the body parts mature at the same rate and this occasionally can cause one part to yell at the other to "slow down" or "catch up".
pinched nerve? go to an acupuncturist
You probably have a pinched nerve in that area. Try some stretching exercises in your shoulder area to see if this helps. Also, message therapy would also be of value to you.
Good luck
Tendonitis or tendonosis, probably the former if you've never felt it before. Tendonitis and/or impingement of the shoulder probably requires some physical therapy and maybe a cortisone shot. Keep in mind that the pain you are feeling is likely a symptom, not the problem in and of itself. See a doc. Rest, stretch, ibuprofen (reduces inflammation) and ice.
You could have a herniated vertebral disc, often refered to as a pinched nerve, ruptured disc, etc. If the problem is severe, you may need to see a neurologist, as a chiropractor may exacerbate the condition (make it worse) if he/she doesn't have MRI results or Xrays.

I get a sore ear when giving my boyfriend a b-l-o-w-j-o-b - what am I doing wrong?

You sucked instead of blowing
nothing just tell him they are ears and not handle bars
strange to hear .i have done so many time with my husband i have not experienced this.
Because it goes in your mouth, not your ear!
Your mouth, throat, nose and ears all are connected.You are causing excessive presure in your mouth and it is causing the presure to go to your ears causing pain.
Try it a little more gently for yourself.
Tell him to stop pulling on them so hard!
well if you where not doing that you would not have that kinda problem now would we smart one

I get a pain in my knee when i walk down the stairs, or if i sit with my knee bent any idea what this cld be?

its a sharp pain in the side of my knee, gettin annoyin now
It's possible that a muscle is being pulled when you walk down the stairs. It's also possible that it is arthritis. You can try Advil soft gel capsules four times daily for the pain. Massage an analgesic cream into the area three times daily. If you don't feel better after a week make an appointment with your medical doctor.
sounds like knee disease to me
The obvious answer is not to do things that make it hurt. Seriously, though, you may have twisted your knee. Try and think back. Rest the leg.
house maids knee
Could be cartilage trouble, try some ibuprofen gel to reduce inflammation. Also maybe a general pain killer and rest the knee.
pop along 2 ur GP and have a blood test done as it could be arthritis i have it in my hands it very painful if not I'm sure they will b able seek out the problem take care
Cartilage damage. Get the doctor to make you an appointment to see someone. If it is torn there is a simple operation to put it right

I fractured my toe and it doesnt hurt too bad, should I go back to lumber work?

I can wear steel toed boots to protect it from falling objects.
I have broke most of my toes and have never had a problem continuing with work and other activity's. Also none of my toes look funky or crocked by not staying off of it.Steal toe's are a good idea, mainly because if you drop something really heavy on your foot. The Steal toes will cut the toes off completely allowing the Dr. to re-attach them. Instead of your toes being crushed, which could result in the loss of foot or the loss of use of the foot and toes.

I fractured my back, and nervous to try sports next year.??

i have a bad back and i am still in high school
i fractured my back last year and it is still healing.
i missed out on all the sports freshmen year, and im not sure i really want to start 2nd year, because everyone already has their groups of friends.. im really nervous about that.and any tips to stay in stay in shape, without hurting my back again?
im in the exact same situation as u...i cant really help but that is y im looking on here right doctor just says to ride a stationary bike and swim because they're low impact exercises...idk how bad urs is but its hard for me to move still and im 3 months into it.

I found a wounded kitten that looks like its eyes are filled with blood...I cant take it to the vet?

The vets' offices are all closed until Monday. This kitten has a wound above its eye, its eyes look like they have blood in them, its nose is swollen, and it sounds like it is also having trouble breathing through its nose...WHAT DO I DO?? I want to take care of the little thing and try to help it...i bathed it in warm water and it is calm now, but I still think it is in pain...
Call the vet and talk with them. They may tell you to bring it in but the bill could be high. Most vets will take emergency calls on weekends and all of them have an alternate person to call when they are closed.
there are emergency vets that are opened 24/7 call them at once it sounds like a head injury..poor little kitty.get help asap. good luck
There must be some vet office that is open. Are there any pet emergency clinics in your area? Look in the phone book. There has to be something open. That kitten needs a vet right away.
i'm sure its in pain. I KNOW there are ER vets open after hours ... i'm sure there is another vet in your city that is open before monday .. unless you live in a small town with 1 vet ... if thats corrent then drive to a different city :)if you dont want to go to a different vet then you usually see, think about the poor little kitty. Just get him/her somewhere SOON.good luck
Send it to China, the people there will take good care of it.
Find another vet! Maybe look into going to a neighboring city. There are normally emergency vets available too.
Please find an emergency vet that will look at it, or that you can at least speak to them.
I sincerely hope the kitten is ok and bet you give it a wonderful home.
Bless you for being so caring :-)
There has to be one open that is emergency. If not, you call the ANIMAL CONTROL or police and they will send someone out. Tell them it's an emergency.
Look up your local animal control or humane society first.
get a phone book and look for emergency animal clinic, hopefully there is one near you. Or if you cant find one in the phone book call the operator and they could probably find one for you. Good luck to you and the kitten!! I hope this helps

I found a bump and I am worried!?

OKay, well i woke up this morning at like 5am and realized i had this bad headache. I found a big bump in between my eyes and just above my nose. I didnt remember hitting anything so that i got me worried.
The bump is about 4in. and half of it is hard and another is very soft and tender. The skin above it burns and i have little bumps that i cannot see on it. My temp is fine and it feels like a have a sinus infection.
Any Suggestions to what it might be?
talk to a doctor
When in doubt seek medical attention.
a pimple
bust it
A bee sting, spider bite, allergic reaction to something you ate... any thing is possible... even a boil... does it have a head... a white spot?... don't trip... use some face cleanser and hopefully it'll go down
its a mosquito
Dont worry about it. Sometimes, while your skin is trying to fight off small infections, bumps will come up. It cant be cancer because it wouldnt all of a sudden come up like that big in a snap. Anyways, watch the bump for any weird growth, but it might take a couple of weeks for it to go away. When I had really bad acne, I got these weird bumps all the time because my body was trying to fight it off.
Time for a doctor's appointment. A 4 inch bump is a large growth.

I forgot to take out my contact lenses last night? and woke up with a headache and a red vein on my right eye?

Some brands limit the amount of oxygen that your eye gets if you sleep in them. The problem is probably temporary but if not, go to an eye dr. If you find that you would like to sleep in them, talk to your doctor about that. If you recently had an appointment, there shouldn't be an additional charge if you're having problems.
it you falt to not to take it.
sleeping with any contact lens on will really irritate the eyes.its not because its a new brand.just take it off then let your eyes rest for 1-2days.just use eyeglasses for a while.the redness will be gone.if not consult your opthalmologist.he will prescribe some steroid eyedrops on you.
Seems to me your eyes are just irritated from sleeping in your contacts...leave them out for a day or so and see if it goes away on its own. If not call the eye doc.

I felt real dizzy ....?

I woke up this afternoon (I kinda slept late) and opened my eyes and the room was spinning and I felt real dizzy...what could be wrong.I'm not pregnant and don't drink. Could this happen if I'm dehydrated?? I don't drink the amount of water I should.Plz help!!
It's normal for girls to feel dizzy. It's often you haven't got enough iorn and you have low blood pressure because you are not eating enough healthy food.
it could definately be from being dehydrated. your body needs the fluids to keep everything working good keep itself in balance. i recommend you keep a water bottle next to your bed and at your desk so you always have it and don't have to worry about being thirsty but not wanting to get get something.
Sometimes your equilibrium can be off if you sleep extended hours. Has this been happening often? If so, you may want to increase water and juice intake everyday, that usual straightens it out pretty quick.
u should always drink enough water so u r not dehydrated bbut diiz-ness could also be a sign of getting your period.
yes drinking water is important other reason is weariness and the other reason is low level of iron in your body also hot weather can cause such state

I fell on the ground?

and i used my hands to stop me, the only part that is like hurting is my thumb, i can see like some parts of blood inside, i mean if you look at my thumb, you can see like purple, like 1 cm then interval then another 1 cm, i think its internal bleeding? of my thumb is that possible, i just fell on concrete, likie slamming my hand on concrete
OUCH! I have had that before it hurts! sorry! i have nothing else to say ..but, I hope it gets better soon!
ouch buddy. sounds harsh. i sounds like it. but im no doctor. try putting some ice on it.
its called a blood blister, you can try popping it with a pin if you like but it hurts like holy hell
You might have burst the blood vessels, or you may even have a stress fracture. You should go see a doctor as soon as possible to make sure all is well.
You may have burst a blood vessle in your thumb. It is not hard to do and it hurts like hell. Ice it and it will go away in 4-5 days.
It's a good thing you used your hands to stop you, as this could have been a more serious injury. The most common cause of the skin discoloration is a few broken blood vessels in the area. Blood vessels can break with traumatic force, and bleed out a little into the surrounding area. It could also be bruising which may be a side effect of a fracture. If the discoloration and pain persists for a few days, check it out with a doctor.
you probably just bled inside your skin which would result in brusing which will go away on its own. personally if it's reallt close to the surface, i would steralize a needle and drain the blood. if there's pus in there i might be infected but if your thumb doesn't hurt and you have full range of motion then you should be fine.
Funny thing you brought this up because I fell on the ground today too. For some reason must of my life I have had weak ankles. They have gotten better since I have had children because I strengthened them by holding my kids. But at the same time I really have to watch my steps and also where good shoes. Today I was walking and no apparent reason at all I went falling to the ground on the rocks and the dirt. My left leg and hip hurt because of the collision but my right leg I scrapped up pretty bad like the size of someones hand. Usually when I fall like this my first concern isn't if I am ok but I hope no one saw me. SMILE I feel it is a great idea that if your finger is hurting and showing signs you are concerned about that you should go to the doctor. It is worth knowing how to take care of it. I hope that you are feeling better really soon!!
Whoa, I bet that hurt! As the Calamity Carol of the Great Pacific Northwest, my advice to you is to put a bag of peas (small veggies, ice, whatever) on it. It may be a blood blister, can ya move it? Does it feel numb? Thumbs are pretty important and if you strained the ligement, I think I would call the hospital and ask the emergency room Doctor if he/she thinks you should bring it in. Hope you are you enjoy hitchiking? {;D)
I think you should seek medical attention. Taking care of it yourself might prove costly in the long run.

I fell on my foot now it's swelling a lot, HELP!?

I was taking a nap on the couch and then I woke up. I was standing up, and for some reason, I like accidentally stood on the top of my left foot, and it made me stumble. So then I caught myself, with the top of my let foot again, and I fell and heard a popping noise. Then my foot hurt extremely bad, so I got on my hands and knees and crawled down the hall to my mothers room, where I woke her up. She told me to get in bed and have ice on it so when I did that, it hurt REALLY bad. I was like crying in pain. So I took it off and came out here. My mom said she'd take me to the hospital in the morning, after she's gotten a few hours of sleep. Will someone tell me what I should do?
I did something similar fly fishing, don't ask. it sounds like you tore a ligament. It will take a month or so to heal and they will probably put it in a brace. be prepared for pain in the xray room though, they love to squish you foot flat to get a good picture!
get off yahoo nerd
Not sure what kind of mother you have but you need to wake her up to take you to the hospital now. You may have broken something so you need to wake her up. If she says she won't take you then tell her you want to call 911 and have them take you. Since when is sleep more important than a child who might have a broken bone?
if u cant move it much,u probably dislocated it,hence the poping noise,but a cure,soak ur foot for 3 hours in hot water(DONT MOVE YOUR FOOT TOO MUCH!)then massage it for a little while(apx. 5 min)then,wrap ur foot in a cold,wrung out,wet towel or a long,thick piece of cloth and elavate it,dont walk on it too much,it will cause more swelling
Don't freak out! I work at a doctors office, and a possible fractured foot is urgent.. but its not necessary for you to go to the hospital. Call your doctor in the morning and see if they can get you in ASAP for xrays, if its broken they'll send you to an orthopedic doc.
First aid for people with foot injuries is stabilization and elevation of the injured foot.
Any splint that keeps the injured foot from moving is effective. Often a pillow wrapped around the foot like a stirrup and then taped or tied with a bandage works well.
Do not wrap the foot so tightly that it cuts off the blood supply to the foot. Any splint that causes the foot to hurt worse, turn blue, or makes it more difficult to wiggle the toes should be removed right away.
Elevation of the injured foot reduces swelling and pain. Proper elevation requires the foot to be at a level higher than the rest of the body. Lie flat with the foot propped up on several pillows.
Ice wrapped in a small towel and applied to the injured foot may also reduce swelling and pain for the first several hours after an injury. ____________________There really isn't too much more you can do. You can make a homemade splint for your foot to reduce the amount the fractured bone moves鈥攊f it is indeed broken. The signs and symptoms you are describing (swelling, pain, bruising, etc.) are all indicative of a possible fracture, but it could just be bruised. There is a 100% way to tell if you have a fracture is something doctors call crepitus, which is a sound that we listen for when we assess wounds. Crepitus is a grinding or "sanding" noise that two broken bone ends make when they rub each other. Otherwise, they only way to tell is by an x-ray. Splinting your foot will help a great deal, so make it a priority. If you don't splint and the bone is fractured, the loose bone ends can create tissue damage in your foot which can lead to infection. Always splint from the joint below the foot (the toe), to the joint above the injury (the ankle). This will ensure the bone movement is minimal. For a foot, you can use any number of things for a splint. You can take a piece of cardboard, take the left side and fold it to the middle, do the same with the right, and place the heel of your foot in the middle, wrapping the two folds around your foot and lower shin. Make sure it's tight, pad the inside of the cardboard with cotton or soft gauze, and tape the cardboard.
I am NOT a doctor, but I do know some home remedies. 1. Espoms salt, 2 cups soak in hot water. for only 30 min. then raise foot and rest. OR- apple cider vinegar and sea salt -(can use regular salt if no sea salt) make a paste and cake it around swelling- wrap with towel that has soaked in vinegar (not sopping wet) then wrap that around foot and wrap with plastic wrap , and cover with grocery bag-keep on for 1 hour. Messy and smelly - but really works!- Hope this helps!

I fell down while watering my grass.?

I fell down and hit my head while watering my grass. I had an instant headache and now my head, neck and left shoulder blade hurts. Also I have 3 bruises which showed up on my leg within 4 minutes of falling down. The are accompanied by 3 hard bumps and they look like they are with the same blood vessel. I'm worried that this is going to cause vericose veins. What can I do to stop it? It is still pretty early being it was only 10 minutes ago, and I was hoping I could do something to stop it from happening.
Poor Peggy--The head lumps are the most worrisome. If you are dizzy, really sleepy or get sick to your stomach--seek medical help immediately.Your leg sounds like you banged a nerve which will get better on its own. Hope you put ice on all the hurts and bumps to reduce swelling.If you feel bad go see a Dr. Don't worry about varicose veins--they're hereditary not caused by accidents.
you should be at the hospital getting x-rays to show what damage has been done
It won't cause varicose veins, but it could cause a big clot that will create a hole in your leg. If it still hurts after 3 days, call your doctor.
You hit your head and your biggest worry is vericose veins? It must have been hit pretty hard.. it seems to have messed up your priorities. Go see the doc.
yep, you could have a concussion. Go to the emergency room.

I fell and cut up my leg pretty bad abrasion please help?

I was walking when one of my legs went out on right foot feels twisted and my left leg has a bad abrasion...i have tried everything but it still stings.its looks like their is dirt under the skin but i can't get it out...what do i do? I have washed with antibacterial soap, clean facecloth soaked it, used peroxide, antibacterial spray and cream and bandaged myself up...please help it hurts
Try to be patient, because you've treated it correctly. Don't over- treat because you just keep irritating the skin and nerve endings. The best thing would be to take an anti inflammatory to relieve the pain, and keep the wound clean by covering it lightly with non-stick gauze so it gets oxygen. Abrasions really hurt and it'll take a couple of days to subside.
Leave the bandage off while at home. Keep it clean. If you notice redness and swelling call your doctor. Otherwise you should be fine.
Wash it with soap and water twice a day and apply antibiotic cream like neosporin. If it is draining you can bandage it but otherwise it will heal better open to air. You can use peroxide for one or two days after the injury, but longer than that and you will be causing more problems than you are fixing. Take some Tylenol for the pain, give it a day or two and you should be fine
If you've done everything you can and it still hurts, maybe it's time to see the doctor...

I fell 2 weeks ago and walloped my knees and my funny bone ( nerve in elbow)?

now when even my sweettop/jumper toches that area or even catching it on my duvet its so very painfull has any real damage been or will it heal i can move my arm no problem and their is no bruising its just so tender please help.
Oh dear sounds like it could be broken. Go to your doctor or the accident and emergency department at your local hospital. Something is not right there. I hope you get it sort out and good luck.
Still could be a broken elbow!
I did that a few years ago falling down the stairs!
I did exactly the same thine week before christmas, couldn`t get a doctor`s appointment and went to the local hospital with real pain, well, they kept me in for three days on a antidiotic drip and pain killers. What you`ve got is an infection where the joint fills up with fluid causing pain and sensitivety. Also did the same thing to my elbow years ago and anti biotics was the only thing that got rid of it.
When I fell it turned out I had chipped the bone in my elbow. Best to get it checked out. Took about 6 weeks for mine to stop hurting but it got better :)
How have you put up with the pain for two weeks, Do you like pain?..Get to the doctors QUICK, the longer you leave it the harder it will be to fix, especially if it is broken,;-)

I feel sleepy every morning I wake up from my bed, what can I do?

Every morning when I wake up from sleeping, after bathing I feel more sleepy. I can't concentrate on any of my work especially studying. It's quite irritating as I have my exams to follow. Please give me a sensible solution.
Either you are not sleeping enough, sleeping too much, or are dehydrated! You should be sleeping 7-8 hours a night, try to avoid naps, but if you do nap limit them to around 30 minutes and not too close to your bedtime. Too much sugar will do the trick too! It makes you crash, drink a lot of fluids also.
one thing not be on right now n get a full day of rest
go to bed earlier and wake up no later then 10, cause sometimes when you get to much sleep your even more tierd

I feel really werid?

well last night i ate and then i feel like i had to throw up but i didnt then all day today i have felt unhungrey witch is not mee and out of no wear i feel like i have to throw up and also this morning i woke up with this real bad ear pain and its been there all day and im kinda a hypocontritac and im scared its something serious and also..iv been feeling really tired in the past 2 days and i havent been doing that much
go to the dr.could be simple problem like nausea
could be something more seriousB.
MOST probably by the time you read this you will know what the problem is.
You could have an ear infection that is making you to want to throw up.
go and see your doctor.
see a doctor right could be something serious
If you can't eat a healthy amount of food, call your doctor right away and get in as soon as possible. If you're still able to eat enough, I'd say wait another day or two and see if it gets worse. Wait as long as a week if you have nothing but nausea and pain. (But get a checkup ASAP if you start vomiting and/or can't eat much food.)Have you thought about any new foods (including, say, a new brand of cola or a sugarfree version of a favorite snack) or medicines you've eaten in the last couple days? Are there any new chemical smells-- the house next door getting built, a strange odor in the basement, a coworker wearing a horrible new perfume? Have you received any injuries or sharp blows? How about bug bites?
Could be a little virus, could be stress or anxiety related, could be pregnancy,could be an ear infection. Don't worry - you're not going to die - it doesn't sound serious.
Doesnt sound to serious to me i am also a fellow hypocodriact could be a inner ear infection starting or the flu or even heat has been really hot lately but i dont think that has much to do with the ear ache.anyways hed over the the DR. and see whats the mean some crackers or some scrambled eggs and toast..also drink ginger ale.these things always help me when im sick
It's probably just anxiety, but you need to GO SEE YOUR DOCTOR. If you aren't sick now, worrying about it intensely can make you sick. Think of it not as hycondria but as "preventive" medicine.Hope all is well.

I feel really weird, what the heck is wrong with me?

I have that weird feeling like everything is fake.. like I'm watching the world through a TV screen. Plus, I feel dizzy, and it's kind of hard for me to focus- my eyes blur and cross fairly easily.. and my head feels like it's going to just float away..
there are many possible causes for what you have described. you could have low blood-sugar or you might be experiencing a reaction to something you ate. do you live in an apartment? if you are breathing something unhealthy such as carbon monoxide or the fumes from a meth lab that could produce symptoms like what you have described. you might have a blocked artery or respiratory problem that's preventing your body from performing all of its necessary functions. can you please be more specific? how old are you? have you eaten or drank or smoked anything out of the ordinary? there are many factors to take into account in order to properly diagnose your problem.i would suggest calling a hospital's hotline; most have them %26 do not even require you to provide personal information before offering advice. but please don't try to drive anywhere while you're feeling like this! and call your local hospital. good luck!
are you stoned? if not maybe you just need some sleep.
Go to the doctor and ask him then agin if there closed the idk what u should do try sleeping or cheak ur tempruter and cheak ur weight
you might have diabetes or w/e its called or you might just be pregnant ..lolgo to a doctor *~*NaY3LLi*~*
wow, lay off the drugs and see a doc
First things, first. When was the last time you had an eye exam? Perhaps your vision needs correction..which may explain your difficulty focusing and blurred vision. "Uncorrected" vision can also lead to headaches and feeling dizzy. People tend to go to the dentist periodically, but most people don't have their eyes examined regularly. Get your vision checked; along with a glaucoma check and a picture of your retina; all can be done by an optometrist. Start there...and see if that helps.
Your blood pressure may be too low, especially if you got up too quickly from laying or sitting. Try sitting or laying down for a few minutes. Your blood sugar may be low too also. Eating a little something may help.If the condition doesn't change within 15 to 30 minutes you should seek medical attention right away...
What about vitamins and such? Do you take anything along those lines? For instance 5-HTP or Tyrosine.. Anything herbal? I'm not talking about pot either. That could be the reason you are experiencing depersonalization or derealization.
Could be a frontal lobe seizure...

I feel really poorly! :-(?

I started with a sore throat a couple of days ago, and yesterday it got far worse. It's so sore I can't sleep, and lastnight a got a fever, and I've been sweating and shivering all night. My hands hurt, my feet hurt, my kidneys hurt and most of all my neck and head hurt. I was sick at about 3am and have been feeling really nauseous every since.
Is this just a bug?
No rash.
aaww hun!!
Could be sinusitis??
Hope you feel better soon babe If you want a bedside slave to fetch you stuff I'm here.
: ) x
could be the flu, wish you better.
Send the same info to your doctor, sounds like a bug but get it checked out in anycase, get well soon.
probably,so eat better when u can,take vitamins n drink liquids until u get back on Ur feet
I would just say you are simply sick...but the kidney part concerns me. If you kidneys just hurt as much as everything else, then no big deal. If your kidneys are having sharp pain that is preventing you from standing straight up, then you have a kidney infection and need to see a doctor. Along with kidney infections come flu symptoms that last about a week, but you need antibiotics.
it's probably the flu. Drink a lot of water and take something for the fever. See if your tonsils or throat are swollen or have white bumps on them. It could be tonsilitis or strep.
Of course, seeing a doctor might be a good idea if you keep feeling bad for another day.
I have the same horrible thing too. I'm gonna go see the doctor in an hour's time. You should do the same too.
sounds like you have the flu huni, and maybe a throat infection too. i had the flu once and literally felt like i was going to die, it was awful. stay in your bed sugar,and make sure you drink plenty of water. i hope you feel better real soon! xx
could be tonsillitis when i had this my whole body ached and the pain was so bad i was up crying in the night!! Go to the doctors!
Sounds like a flu virus, sty in bed rest it takes about 3-4days to go good luck.Oh and drink plenty of fluids.
Sorry sounds like you might need antibiotics, go in for a strep test, and i know it hurts but you need to keep up on the water.
you have bubonic plague.the spots will appear soon. Does sound alot like the flu though..when i have man flu a biiiig thing of lemsip an a bucked loads of halls sweets do me the world of good!
This sounds like a bug, but I would recommend going ahead and seeing your dr for further evaluation to see what they think is going on.Feel better soon.
I had the same symptoms a few months ago and it turned out to be tonsilitus. Go to the doctors coz u prob need antibiotics. I feel really bad for u coz I know ur feeling really horrible, but you'll start to feel better quicklly when u get the proper medicine. get well soon!!
Call your doctor!!
By the time he sees you have a hot bath, make a cup of tea with lemon, take 2 nurofen and stay in bed for a few hours, sleep if you can.
If you start sweating don't be scared because is normal.
Make sure after 2-3 hours get out of bed,change your clothes(if u've been sweaty) make another drink and tell me later how you felt.
Could also be food poisoning, nauseous is down to lack of fluids, try %26 drink water (not gallons) but small sips regular.
Sickness will continue for 3-4 days, head will go when you get fluid inside or at least ease.

I feel pains in my anklet and kneels after work out.?

Does any one know any drug I can take or what will make the pains go away after my workout. Thanks
For your knees: Do exercises like leg lifts to strengthen the quads (muscles in front of the thighs).
A physical therapist can teach you exercises to strengthen your ankles. You'll need a dr's prescription first.
My PT suggested taking aspirin before a work out.
no pain no gain, growth pains
No need for drugs. You need more supportive shoes.

I feel like there is food lodged in my throat...?

For the past 6 days or so there feels like there has been food stuck in my throat... and clearly there is not food stuck in my throat... it feels as if there is something growing or something... its scary and weird... help?
I would suggest going to the doctor, you never know, it may be serious.
needs to be checked by a physician

I feel like im out of breath??

i just came from playing basketball its been over an hour and i feel like im out of breath??
I'm assuming that you're a young man by the little information you've given - if that's so, I'd suggest that you get yourself to an ER pronto! It's quite unreasonable to feel breathless an hour after sustained excercise. You might be getting a warning that needs attention.
If you have asthma, that might be it?If you don't have an inhaler, I can't really tell you what else though. :/

I feel like im cracking up?

what to do when you feel like just walking out of your work
Find another job and in the mean time get some mild tranquilizers to relax
Don't worry at some point or another everyone feels like that. My friend is on the verge of quitting her job right now as well. She hates it, but she hangs in there until she finds a new job. Hopefully you can do the same.
ok breathe and think about things..will you be able to support yourself if you quit? if u feel like quittin then look for another job and then quit...good luck
you are probably deranged.Get commited
Suck it up. Put it off til perhaps forever.
Hi nicole how are you ?.listing we all go true that in live ,but don't give up,mine ex also felt like that ,but i always telling her to look for another job that she like before she walk out on that ;is like this what u got you have,what u gonna get u don't to you success babeor dido
what do you mean by that

I feel lightheaded and sometimes I can feel my heart beat fast, like a quick pulse, all this started today?

Starting this morning I felt lightheaded and it hasn't ceased all day. In additon I can feel my heartbeat without actually touching my chest and if I focus on an object I can actually see it. Also about every 2 minutes or so I feel a quick jump or pulse of my heart beat lasting maybe 2 to 3 seconds. I am not queasy and I have tried resting but it doesn't help. Earlier in the day I had a dull headache and I have had plenty of food and drink. Overall there is no pain but I can't function because it limits me enough that I can't accomplish tasks. Thank you in advance. Please help!
sounds like a stroke.
or eat diet foods from now on cause you have high fats,cholesterol in your system
or you stuck magnets on your head and it scrambled your brain up for a bit of time...
This is, honey...we're not doctors. Please go see your doctor.
I think you should see a doctor. Are you anxious?
How old are you? You could be having a heart attack, or perhaps some palpitations... get to a doctor, and have an ECG, that will rule out something more serious.GET TO A DOCTOR!You can have palpitations and a heart attack without necessarily having pain...
my advice for you is...take into consideration (like the person who mentioned stroke) but you should definitely go see a doctor. well, i hope you feel better soon.
some time stress check fill back you do yesterday,check potasiun level remember the woman how is husband take off the feeding tube because she have brain damage,that is for heart attack low potassium level' poor diet and excess of exercise check your MD for EKG.
could be anxiety. any tightening of the chest? shoulder/arm pain? nausea/vomiting? upset stomach? are your symptoms relieved with rest? if you don't have any of the above symptoms then it may be an anxiety attack. what recent stressors have you had?

I feel horrible... What can i do...?

I have areally sore throat and it feels like i am going to puke... What can i do? I am going to take throat drops and these chewy tablets.. Any other idea's??
If you're hungry, eat tons of fresh fruit, as much as you can, drizzled with tiny amounts of olive oil from a dark container. If you're not hungry, just drink distilled water. Go for short walks outside so your body can clean out (it needs to be moving somewhat to accomplish this). And try not to put anything else in your body if you can help it! :o)If you can do these two things, your body should be over it within a day, or possibly a few hours.Let me know how you're doing. email me at gmail
Try garling with warm salty water and see your doctor.
try theraflu
make some tea preferably lemon and put about 1 tablespoon of honey in it. take sips of it, and try to kind of gurgle it in your mouth. the heat and vitamin c will help.
try galling warm salt water,halls if that don't work u might want to might see Ur doctor
try to drink water.

I feel back pain and pain in left testis after coming across something erotica.?

seriously, I had a similar problem when I was about 20+, during sex.. Feels like somebody is squeezing your nut.. Dr. said I had an overactive nerve and suggested I sit in tub full of hot/warm water a few times a week. Really helped totally went away in about 6 months. Another doctor said he could cut the nerve after he saw that I had good health insurance..go figure...
Sounds to me like you enjoyed some time there.But sounds to me like you are the looser here ,go to Dr. asap!

I farted with a lighter near my buttocks it hurts bad what should I do to sooth my pain?

thats funny:) were you trying out for a jackass movie?
cortisone cream should help
the only thing I can think of, is to do it again, let the lighter sit there longer.
100 percent pure aloe
If its on the anus use preparation H, its the only thing sensitive enough for there. If its on the buttock itself use a burn salve.
I would say a warm, tepid water soak and a soft soaping.
Why don't you get your boyfriend to help you out?
Put your head between your legs and kiss your @$$ and make it allllll better.
omg you stupid tard

I fall to the ground with my tear drops...?

Whats a good depression medication? And what are the side effects?
There are too many different drugs to even start to name. But, you are heading in the right direction since you are admitting there is a problem. support groups, good diet and exercise also go along way towards good mental health
I'm/ on/ lexapro / its/ anti anxiety /and /anti depression /no side effects
What is myrrh, anyway?
It is a valuable balm.
A balm, what are you giving him a balm for? It might bite him.
It's a dangerous animal. Quick, throw it in the trough.
No it isn't.
Yes it is.
No, no, it is an ointment.
An ointment?
Oh. There is an animal called a balm or did I dream it?
There are so many Antidepressants out there.
You really need to talk to your doctor and he will know which one would be good for you to try.Sometimes it takes about a month for it to kick in and you might have side effects, but they usually go away after a few days...once your body gets used to the medication.Wellbutrin is the one that I'm on.
So far not too many side effects.Don't be afraid to ask your doctor for help.
If you're depressed, you really do need to ask for help. I did.and I feel so much better because of it.Good luck and take care :)

I experience a sharp pain in my jaw after drinking a beer or eating a sharp cheese.?

It feels like a hypodermic needle behind my earlobe that lasts anywhere from 30 minutes to just a few seconds.. I asked an MD once and he didnt know what the hell I was talking about.
When I drink any alcohol - I get the sharp pain in my jaw and shoulders - it goes away after awhile but it always happens when I have had alcohol. I have no idea why it happens - no one is able to tell me either. I hated telling anybody because they act like i'm crazy. I don't drink at all any longer. I'll be eager to hear if others have this happen to them, also.
Sorry, I'm not being very helpful in answering but I wanted you to know that it happens to at least one other person! :) Hope we find out what could cause this reaction!
I don't know what the hell you are talking about
I described the same thing to my doctor some years ago. He said it was related to glands. I am in interested to hear others replies. I still have this from time to time.
Try removing the cap from the beer bottle rather than breaking the bottle (probably the small bits of glass causing that problem) and maybe switch to blunt of luck!
I don't know how old you are or what other medical problems you may be having associated with this but pain behind the jaw can be cause by many things. One of them is associated with having heart attack. That's what happened to my dad. He didn't have the normal chest pain symptoms. It's called 'acute angina'. You can go to to look up more about the condition. If you are having any other symptoms such as pains in your arms, shoulders or chest seek help immediately and take it seriously. It's not sudden, my dad was experiencing the pains for a while along with weakness and shortness of breath - all with drinking beer.

I dropped a cinder block on the top of my bare foot?

I did not get an open wound but there is a weird dark purple area - like a blood blister where it hit. I ran my foot in cold water with epsom salt and soaked it. Then I wrapped a cold compress and am elevating it. It still is throbbing like it just happened - been about 30min. Should I see a dr. today or can I wait?
Most likely from what you're saying you have a rather large bruise on your foot (of course if I could see it, I'd be able to tell more).You are in fact administering the correct first-aid for an injury of such at the time. Keep it elevated for at least 30 minutes and keep the cold compress applied for 15 minutes, remove it then re-apply the cold compress (you can do this up to one hour or two - however, do not exceed 2 hours). I would also suggest that you take some sort of pain reliever such as Tylenol, Motrin or some sort of Ibuprofen!If the pain persists after about 12 hours, I would suggest you schedule an appointment with your FNP or MD (doctor). You may have some how broken a tenant in your foot (or even a toe) or damaged blood vessels some way due to the heavy impact from the cinder block.
Wait, and see what happens then see a doctor if throbbing persist!
OWWW!! I feel bad for you, that sounds so painful! Do you think you could've broken the small foot bones at the top of your foot? There's like a million bones in the foot. Yes, i would go to the doctor tomorrow if it's still hurting later.
dude, i would go to the er if i was you.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I drink on average 6 litres of cider a day and 8 cans of carling, i find this a bit gassy?

and i get terrible indigestion at times, can anyone suggest anything to take away the indigestion? i know iam guilty of eating fatty foods which doesnt help.
Weren't you in the movie, Blazing Saddles?
Why do you drink 6 litres of cider and 8 cans of carling?Is there a medical condition for all this?*Take some Tums for the gas or any anti gas-over the
counter medication at any pharmacy in your city
dnt drink as much derrrrr!! ur almost an alcoholic ffs !! how dumb can u get man?!! (rhetorical question - dont answer it) oh my daizzz!!
Easiest way to get rid of the indigestion is to stop abusing your body by stopping drinking all the cider and lager, both of which are gassy drinks anyway
It could be much worst if you had beans for dinner and prunes for desert LOL
I think the 6 liters of cider and 8 cans of carling may have a lot to do with your gassy problem. Sugar would do that to you too!
HAVE YOU HEARD OF WATER. No wonder you have indigestion, your body is creating acid your adding acid to the stomach which in turn is going to create more.
it will kill you soon enough, why worry.

I drink everyday sometimes a fifth some days a pint and sometimes 1 beer...?

I don't have any problems with it like I never miss work or get in fights with my family, leagal problems ect. Do you think this means I'm an alcoholic?
Trouble is, you may not think that you are an alchohlic, but there are other parts to the fallout:1. Is your family 'suffering' because you are spending ten to fifteen dollars a day on drink?
2. Is your output at work LESS than the best because you feel somewhat hungover?
3. Can you honestly say that you NEVER drive even under the teeniest bit of drunkenness?
4. Is there ANYone who says "I wish you did not drink so much"?
5. Even if your liver is whole and hearty NOW, in time that much alcohol in your system compromises your liver functionSo you see, Ron, this is not a problem in isolation. There is a lot more to this than just you yourself and you. You live with and around others, and recreational drinking is fine. Everyday drinking is probably NOT fine.Ask your relatives "Do I drink too much?" If they say YES, then go and get help and the best place is AA.
oh my, u must be very sickly! lol
Not now, noBut if it gets worse, like more drink everyday, it's harder to say
You're an alcoholic when you start to feel that you NEED to drink every day, basically
At the moment it sounds like you just do it for recreation, so nah that's ok
If you drink everyday then you are an alcoholic if you can stop then your probably not but the more you drink the worse off you will be and it may lead to bad things even if it's not now.
They say an alcoholic is someone who has to have a drink every day, irrelevant of how many, do you have to drink every day?
the term is functional alcoholic..there are a lot of these throughout history and even today.
being a little bit alcoholic is like being a little bit pregnant..
sooner or later one of three things will happen
death, insanity, or you will become a recovering alcoholic
Sounds like it to me.
Hey man, I drink everyday, sometimes a fifth if I'm not working, if I am, at night I drink a pint...kinda like you. Here's the deal, I'm in college, I have a right to get this out of my system at this point in my life, and I am way to stressed not to. I'm a Nextel technician, and I hate my coworkers and boss who constantly ride my *** for no reason. I could sue for harrassment, but I'm not out for money, I just want them to leave me alone while I'm doing my job. Thank God I'm heading back to school in a month, and I'll done with my degree very soon, which means, I get to quit my job and yell at them all for being horrible human beings, and I plan on being buzzed when I'm doing it so I have no filter on my mind or mouth. I've never fought with my family, the law or anyone else. Hey, we could be drug addicts! Right? If you're going to be an addict to anything, alcoholism is way more respectable than heroin! The funniest part is that you don't understand anyone elses boss is a dope nose, so I'm sitting just dandy!
Most definately.
Read and heed Pablo--he's got the scoop.
Well here's the thing.. I don't think your an alcoholic...if you drink more than 6 cans a day then maybe..even that is to much for me but I don't drink at all. The thing is that even doctors say that a beer, a shot, a glass of wine is GREAT for your health...the key word being A. One beer is healthy, one shot is healthy, one glass is healthy and NOOO I don't mean one of each lol. Everything in moderation and it's true not only for drunk purposes but healthy purposes. Like food a burger won't do you wrong but 1-3 a day or 2-4 a week thats like heart attack waiting to happen. Believe me ...this will COME BACK to HAUNT you when you get OLDER. So be healthy...drink water instead, cool aid, juice and only drink when celebrating or you get a craving. You know I said I don't drink ..well day I was feeling sick and my grandma, aunt and mom told me to drink a corona (i think) and I did and I felt so much better. I hated the taste and didn't finish it but I swear by that corona cause damn I went from feeling like hell to feeling fine. So there you go... :)
Having a drink a day doesn't make someone an alcoholic, it can actually be a benefit per doctors' reccomendation. But if you can down a fifth by yourself in one day, you are killing your liver and are an alcoholic. Why do you need so much? That's like having 20 beers in one day. You may not have problems now, but just wait till you drink a fifth, are blacked out, and decide to go for a drive. When you kill someone, you might see the truth.
yes even though you odly haven't gotten into trouble. you are , and you think your not hurtign anyone , but you really are hurting yourself and god.You could get cancer , and many other disease's from drinking like that. I had a boyfriend once that sounds a lot like you accept we did get into fights because of it.
I think you should get some help. If you need it everyday, you're on your way to letting your alcohol intake control you, instead of you controlling your alcohol intake.

I don't know what to do about my injured toe nail (I'm being very serious)?

I was skateboarding in my house.I tried to do and ollie, and I didn't have shoes on and i kind of messed up and landed in a weird position and uhh i realllly scraped my toe nail and its short now and i can see the blood. I have had a ingrown toe naill before (twice) man, I don't need a lecture about skateboarding in the house or barefoot, and yes I was grounded for this. I will never do it again. Just tell me what to do about my toe nail.
Cold wrap for a while!!
Try wrapping the toe you injured to stop the blood flow a little and just go about your business. But when you walk, try to not to use the toe you injured for a while and it should grow back and heal fine. Its just a small injury. I dont think it sounds like anything serious.Also, rey mysterio is the best.
who ask you to skateboarding in your house?Never-mine just put a plaster and wait to 2 month until your nail is ok.
"I don't need a lecture" You know you really shouldn't skateboard in your house or barefoot. Tell me your mom's email so I can tell her to ground you for a couple of extra months. :-))
Wash it, dry it, put a bandaid on it? Doesn't sound like a major injury.And while it may not be a good idea skateboarding inside, it used to be quite normal to skateboard barefoot, back in the 60's %26 70's. I've never skateboarded but from what I've heard they used to do tricks that you needed to grip the edge of the board for with your toes. There's a cool clip from 'Skater dater', a 1965 skateboarding movie, in the source.
First of all, sorry for your accident.Just wrap your toe.I think it will be ok in 2 weeks.
Till then GOOD LUCK
Try to stay off your injured toe as much as possible. Soak your toe warm water for 15 minutes 3 times a day and keep your toe bandaged when it's not soaking. Hope your toe gets better soon.

I dont know what i did??

i was at karate and we were doing pad work and i kicked the pad a few times and after we were done my ankle started to hurt and i did not think much of it i thought it might just be sore from the contact of the pad but as the night went on it started to hurt more and more. and i told the teacher and he made me go sit down in the chairs that the parents sit in. and when i got home i was sitting in my bed and i went to get up and my ankle was very stiff! what do you think i did to it.Ps i can walk but it is painful ( almost unbearable)
pulled muscle perhaps, get a flat magnet off the fridge and use the neg. side and put on the ankle, use a sock or bandage to hold it on.
elevate the ankle on the edge of sofa
it should draw it out, u may want to fill a small bottle and freeze it and put on ankle for 20 min.
this should take care of the pain and u will be over it by morn.
try reflexology for pain also...
strain. just brace it and take it easy for a day or two

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