Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I cant sleep or eat?

Last friday i started to get really really stressed and coulding fall asleep and when i ate it made my stomache upset.
In the past 5 days ive almost ate nothing and only slept one night. I try to eat.. it makes me sick, litterally i throw up, and i try to sleep but just cant.What can i do?!
release the stress and get over it
Remove the stress from your life and you will probably feel better.
must be something in the air
Find the source of the stress and beat it to a gooey pulp. All kidding aside, you really should deal with whatever is stressing you out first. Quick fixes should also include meditation and relaxation exercises. Try self hypnosis, even if it doesn work, I guaranty you'll sleep. If you need to work up an appetite and aren't shy about smoking cannabis, it is the best appetite stimulant money can buy. The fact of the matter is that you are not nourishing yourself, so you need to eat. If you keep this up you will wind up requiring hospitalization. In the meantime, take some vitamins and see if you can hold them down. Although, without food they are likely to worsen the queeziness. So bottom line, relax, smoke a joint, and deal with whatever is stressing you out.
These are common symptoms of depression which are probably being fueled by your stress. Sleep is vital, and you shouldn't go without it. You won't be able to fight this unless you do get some. Find a way.

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