Saturday, October 24, 2009

I found a wounded kitten that looks like its eyes are filled with blood...I cant take it to the vet?

The vets' offices are all closed until Monday. This kitten has a wound above its eye, its eyes look like they have blood in them, its nose is swollen, and it sounds like it is also having trouble breathing through its nose...WHAT DO I DO?? I want to take care of the little thing and try to help it...i bathed it in warm water and it is calm now, but I still think it is in pain...
Call the vet and talk with them. They may tell you to bring it in but the bill could be high. Most vets will take emergency calls on weekends and all of them have an alternate person to call when they are closed.
there are emergency vets that are opened 24/7 call them at once it sounds like a head injury..poor little kitty.get help asap. good luck
There must be some vet office that is open. Are there any pet emergency clinics in your area? Look in the phone book. There has to be something open. That kitten needs a vet right away.
i'm sure its in pain. I KNOW there are ER vets open after hours ... i'm sure there is another vet in your city that is open before monday .. unless you live in a small town with 1 vet ... if thats corrent then drive to a different city :)if you dont want to go to a different vet then you usually see, think about the poor little kitty. Just get him/her somewhere SOON.good luck
Send it to China, the people there will take good care of it.
Find another vet! Maybe look into going to a neighboring city. There are normally emergency vets available too.
Please find an emergency vet that will look at it, or that you can at least speak to them.
I sincerely hope the kitten is ok and bet you give it a wonderful home.
Bless you for being so caring :-)
There has to be one open that is emergency. If not, you call the ANIMAL CONTROL or police and they will send someone out. Tell them it's an emergency.
Look up your local animal control or humane society first.
get a phone book and look for emergency animal clinic, hopefully there is one near you. Or if you cant find one in the phone book call the operator and they could probably find one for you. Good luck to you and the kitten!! I hope this helps

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