Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I can't sleep at night?

I tried taking sleeping pills, they work, but I feel so drowsey the next day until around 2pm. I really just need a good nights sleep, does anyone know a home technique?
Before you get ready for bed drink a warm cup of milk and do a half hour worth of stretches make sure they include neck stretches. Lean your head forward as far as you can comfortably hold for 5 seconds then lean your head back hold for 5 seconds, then turn to the right and left sides for 5 seconds do three of each.
exercise and meditationwhen your brain gets tired but your body is active you can't sleepbefore going to sleep go for a walk for about half an hour
Try deep breathing, yoga, soothing music, lavender,hot baths.
yes u sound like my aunt cat sleep if its not perfectly quiet and dark, no sound at all, or she will wake up so y dont u try sleeping in a very quiet place very dark and no sounds to bother you and the condition u have is called insomnia and u might wanna see a doctor hope i helped
This happened 2 me before and i just call a friend or turn on the television while I try 2 sleep. If that does not work u should go see a doctor 4 advise.
try not eating about 4 hours b4 bed, and have everything quiet, like no radio, no light.and then try to go to sleep.. good luck!!
I smoke some grass when i cant sleep. i dont ever smoke anyother time though, cause it makes me so sleepy.
Try exercising in the evening to wear yourself out. Then take a long relaxing bubble bath, to prepare your body for sleep.
warm'll get your zzzz's. sleep tight:)
Exhaust yourself. I used to lay in bed for like an hour before i could even think about going to sleep. Now i work out for two hours before bed each night and i am asleep before i can adjust the covers over me.
deep breathing exercises...Maybe soft music! Stay away from sleeping pills because they can make you dependent on them.
Exercise until you are exhausted. You will sleep then !! Melatonin is a natural ingredient which you can buy at a health food store and some drug stores. Your body makes melatonin so it isn't harmful. Do NOT take more than 3mg a night. As we age our bodies make less and less melatonin so it can be helpful at times to help us sleep. don't depend on it. Depression can cause people not to sleep too. You might want to see a doctor if you think you are depressed.
try listening to calming music or having dim light in your room. get a comfortable pillow and sleep on your side. all of those things work for me.. i used to have sleeping problems. its not good to exercise before you go to bed because it gets you wound up and ready to do more.. or it makes you want to GO GO GO and do stuff.. hope i helped.
I know you have tried sleeping pills and are looking for another option, and sometimes people don't like taking pills.
Xanax( only presribed by a doctor) is good because it doesn't make you feel groggy the next day and you feel rested and alert. You don't have to take it all the time, just when you need a good night sleep,25mg should be good to start. If you want to stay clear of pills try a walk before bed.
To have a good sleep during night you should care about sth:
1-Donot do any hard excercises 3 hrs before sleeping
2-try to keep your room temperature about 20-25 C
3-donot eat your dinner late in night, try to eat your meal 5 hrs before sleeping
4-take a worm shower 30 min before sleeping
5-listen to some light music before sleeping
I feel for you ... I used to have a lot of trouble.There could be many different things that are blocking the 'sleep' signals to the brain ... find out all the possibilities. Write them down, then eliminate them one by one.I found that physical tiredness is better than "brain work' tiredness.Test this for two weeks:
- No coffee, chocolate, tea, cola (all have caffeine) -Lots of exercise every day, every - not just some days. like cycling to all local destinations, instead of using vehicles.
Make and maintain one (the more) garden beds - use waist high garden fork against yr thigh (back safety) to turn over soil and compost pile . Plant easy stuff- lettuce, parsley (find a senior neighbour who knows lots - European immigrants know heaps)-Dont eat past 7pm-Glass of wine/similar at 8 pm. then no heavy discussions, work, study, - just a brisk walk before bed.-Pre bed - Listen/read amusing stuff - 30 mins ----------------If cant do these things coz there is no space - move to place with space and fresh air.Breathe more deeply.
I agree with Neo.I am able to sleep better after good day's hard work and exercise.Go walk a mile at night right half an hour before your regular bedtime.Identify any other areas of your life where you might have stress. If you are stressed, acknoweldge it deep down and accept it. Talk to a friend, colleague, pastor or someone you trust and you will feel relaxed.There are not too many reasons which medicine can solve.

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