Monday, October 12, 2009

I can move my finger a little bit?

3 1/2 weeks ago I jumped onto the back of my buddies car, he accelerated to quickly and I didnt catch on. I fell off and dislocated my left shoulder along with several bad scrapes and a deep "hole" next to my knuckle. The ER people took 3 hours before they relocatted it. Meaning my entire arm-hand muscles were being stretched for too long. So docs said it takes between 4-12 weeks to heal. Now I can move my arm a bit more, and my middle finger and thumb. Everythingelse is still paralyzed. Still cant feel my pinky at all, along with other places on my arm. I really dont have a question just felt like sharing. So some random person with a response gets best answer :)
Hey, your looking good. Look at the bright side, so far you can thumb a ride and flip off anyone who doesn't stop! Give it time, the rest will come to you. Keep a positive attitude too, and keep trying to move that pinkey, it will move for you.
That is so awesome that it is healing!Why were you jumping on a car in the 1st place??LOL!Good for you though!
I sure hope you've learned from this. You could have been hurt a lot worse or killed! Let your doctor know how you're doing. Good luck.
Dude, are you a car surfer?
Because if so, that is seriously cool :)
And if not - here's hoping for a speedy recovery anyway!
my daughter broke her caller bone 5pm. she was crying so bad i did not know what to do. she wasn't even showing me where it hearts.the scrapes and bruise on her shoulder turn black. so i put lavender oil, peppermint oil, purification oil and pan away oil.with in 5 Minuit she stop crying. we came back home .she started to play like nothing happened.
at night my husband found out what happened. so he want to take her to ER .we go to ER 5 see her 7 -7.30am. they did a x-ray. found our its a deep fracture. but she is not complaining they let her go with out doing anything.the scrapes and bruise on her shoulder there is no black spot in the morning .doctor tell me to give her Tylenol if she complain about pain. she did not.i just give her all those oil once a day for 3-4 days. that's it.after 2 week we go to doctor and its already healed.i bought those oil from

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