Saturday, October 24, 2009

I feel really weird, what the heck is wrong with me?

I have that weird feeling like everything is fake.. like I'm watching the world through a TV screen. Plus, I feel dizzy, and it's kind of hard for me to focus- my eyes blur and cross fairly easily.. and my head feels like it's going to just float away..
there are many possible causes for what you have described. you could have low blood-sugar or you might be experiencing a reaction to something you ate. do you live in an apartment? if you are breathing something unhealthy such as carbon monoxide or the fumes from a meth lab that could produce symptoms like what you have described. you might have a blocked artery or respiratory problem that's preventing your body from performing all of its necessary functions. can you please be more specific? how old are you? have you eaten or drank or smoked anything out of the ordinary? there are many factors to take into account in order to properly diagnose your problem.i would suggest calling a hospital's hotline; most have them %26 do not even require you to provide personal information before offering advice. but please don't try to drive anywhere while you're feeling like this! and call your local hospital. good luck!
are you stoned? if not maybe you just need some sleep.
Go to the doctor and ask him then agin if there closed the idk what u should do try sleeping or cheak ur tempruter and cheak ur weight
you might have diabetes or w/e its called or you might just be pregnant ..lolgo to a doctor *~*NaY3LLi*~*
wow, lay off the drugs and see a doc
First things, first. When was the last time you had an eye exam? Perhaps your vision needs correction..which may explain your difficulty focusing and blurred vision. "Uncorrected" vision can also lead to headaches and feeling dizzy. People tend to go to the dentist periodically, but most people don't have their eyes examined regularly. Get your vision checked; along with a glaucoma check and a picture of your retina; all can be done by an optometrist. Start there...and see if that helps.
Your blood pressure may be too low, especially if you got up too quickly from laying or sitting. Try sitting or laying down for a few minutes. Your blood sugar may be low too also. Eating a little something may help.If the condition doesn't change within 15 to 30 minutes you should seek medical attention right away...
What about vitamins and such? Do you take anything along those lines? For instance 5-HTP or Tyrosine.. Anything herbal? I'm not talking about pot either. That could be the reason you are experiencing depersonalization or derealization.
Could be a frontal lobe seizure...

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