Saturday, October 24, 2009

I feel lightheaded and sometimes I can feel my heart beat fast, like a quick pulse, all this started today?

Starting this morning I felt lightheaded and it hasn't ceased all day. In additon I can feel my heartbeat without actually touching my chest and if I focus on an object I can actually see it. Also about every 2 minutes or so I feel a quick jump or pulse of my heart beat lasting maybe 2 to 3 seconds. I am not queasy and I have tried resting but it doesn't help. Earlier in the day I had a dull headache and I have had plenty of food and drink. Overall there is no pain but I can't function because it limits me enough that I can't accomplish tasks. Thank you in advance. Please help!
sounds like a stroke.
or eat diet foods from now on cause you have high fats,cholesterol in your system
or you stuck magnets on your head and it scrambled your brain up for a bit of time...
This is, honey...we're not doctors. Please go see your doctor.
I think you should see a doctor. Are you anxious?
How old are you? You could be having a heart attack, or perhaps some palpitations... get to a doctor, and have an ECG, that will rule out something more serious.GET TO A DOCTOR!You can have palpitations and a heart attack without necessarily having pain...
my advice for you is...take into consideration (like the person who mentioned stroke) but you should definitely go see a doctor. well, i hope you feel better soon.
some time stress check fill back you do yesterday,check potasiun level remember the woman how is husband take off the feeding tube because she have brain damage,that is for heart attack low potassium level' poor diet and excess of exercise check your MD for EKG.
could be anxiety. any tightening of the chest? shoulder/arm pain? nausea/vomiting? upset stomach? are your symptoms relieved with rest? if you don't have any of the above symptoms then it may be an anxiety attack. what recent stressors have you had?

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