Monday, October 12, 2009

I am Scared to Drive a car!?

I am 17 years old..and have a really nice car...but i am scared to drive...anyone else that was scared and have any good advice?
That is natural for concerned individuals.
Take a class.
Go to non busy areas to practice.
In my city, there is a large parking lot at the area. Many times you see people practicing there using the different parking lines to practice. Then try real roads such as country highways or interstate (faster traveling but more room to move with two lanes.
Then start in busy traffic areas.
The more practice, the more confident you become which will make you relaxed. A relaxed driver is less hazardous.
My sis is learning now, try driving school or get your parents to help
driving school really helps, trust me :P
I think everyone is scared when they first start driving. The best thing I can tell you, stay alert but totally relaxed. When you tense up you tend to make jerky movements.
well if u have a nice car and if u r scared to drive a car just take it slow drive as good and well u will get used to it then u wont be scared at al trust me my brother is 17 and he was scared but i told him what i said to u and now he is driving like a pro
you are always going to be scarred until you get behind the wheel day after day and learn the more you do this the less you will be scarred it just takes time and patience and most of all please take your time and let other drivers pass you. this is the most number one rule of all.
i have a 16 yr old cousin... she has been drivin for about 2 weeks now and she loves it... i thnk u have to want and like to drive frst and not just need to drive jst coz u have a nice car.
just consider yourself lucky that you are able to drive. Just think of all those illegal immigrants who arent able to get a drivers license and drive a car.

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