Monday, October 12, 2009

I burned my hand?

Is it still okay to work even though the burn is moderately bad?
Trust me it looks worse than it feels and I have been keeping it clean, wrapping, vinegar (been told that works) and neosporin. I slipped, and caught myself but now the burn has a blood blister along with it now. Now, is it safe to work with and will the blood blister go away soon?
ok! NEVER put hot water or vinegar on a burn this will increase the damage - if it does take away the pain you have passed out or caused a third degree burn and need a skin graft!cold water is the best first aid, never ice this will also cause further damage.ok if you push on the burnt area and the colour disappears and then returns quickly (ie flushed to pale and quickly back to flushed) then you should be fine - i wouldn't want to diagnose over the net tho. this is a balnching test it tested whether you still have blood flow and capillary refilling. if there is no change or it takes more than 3-5 seconds for colour to return (compare to you fingernails as far as speed and colour is concerned) then the answer is go to a doctor! one whop knows burns or can talk to someone who knows burns!a product called burn aid is also good if you can find itnever put milk or yogurt or any food substance as this may reduce pain but it increases chances of infection.if you have blisters cover your burn with cling wrap then a cool towel and go to a hospital that has a burns unit
Adelaide - royal Adelaide hospital
Perth - royal Perth (i think)
Melbourne - prince Alfred
sorry thats all the hospitals i knowif it isn't that bad put on pure aloe vera (thanks everyone for drumming that in) but then as soon as you put on so much that your skin isn't absorbing all of the aloe cover your burn with paraffin wax or aqueous cream (paraffin wax and glycerine). the aloe will help re hydrate and the paraffin simulates the protecting layer of skin and oils your body normally produces (obviously it isn't in the case of a burn as the skin is damaged). this seals in fluids and moisture and protects your skin and relives the pain of wind and the other that really hurt because your skin is sensitised and unprotected. reapply the paraffin and aloe every 4-6hours and stay well hydrated. replacing lost water and salts is important. you may experience heart burn if you have a large area burnt = see a doctor who knows burnsso to sum up - only cold water -no ice - no oils - no hot water - nothing organic (milk or anything)
blisters equals partial thickness burn (second degree) which means you should prolly see a burns doctor (as for a consult/referral)
moisturise your skin and seal that moisture in!
drink water or power aide or gatoraide or similarthe test for a doctor knowing about burns is agreeing with this post or holding a textbook entitled 'total burn care'
I burned my hand 3 weeks ago and had a 2nd degree burn, which is what you have think. Go to a clinic, they will perscribe flamazine which helps alot, using that and keeping it wrapped and not getting the bandage wet is the key. You can work as long as you are still bandaged, consider puttign a light glove over top.
just be careful. make sure it doesnt get infected, and apply a wet cloth on the burnt area.
Stop the vinegar. Don't know why anyone would tell you to do that. Vinegar is an acid, and will further irritate a burn. It is used to neutralize some chemicals at the time of exposure, but not as a treatment. You don't say what you do for work, so it would be hard to give you an answer there. It must stay clean, and covered. Don't break the blisters, let them run there own course. You can apply Burn Gel or pure aloe gel to keep it hydrated. Prob. should see a Phy. Good Luck.
If the burn is bigger than a 20 cent peice ( about an inch and a half in diameter) then you need to seek medical help, you mentioned that it doesnt feel as bad as it looks. This is bad as it could be more than a superficial burn, meaning you could have burnt through many layers of the skin and nerves, resulting in you not being able to feel the pain. I agree STOP applying vinegar....

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